Table 4.1 Prospects for achieving the targets of the framework for assessing progress towards the 2010 Biodiversity Target
The Conference of the Parties has adopted a framework of goals and targets for assessing progress towards the 2010 Biodiversity Target. In this table, the prospects of achieving these targets- which may be considered as sub-targets of the overall 2010 Biodiversity Target- are assessed, taking into account the current status and trends revealed by the Convention's indicators and the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, and the scenarios of plausible futures examined in the Assessment. For many targets, measurable progress can be envis-aged, even though full achievement is unlikely. This partial progress underlines the importance of developing quantitative targets. Where a target is identified as "achievable", this means only that it is achievable, if appropriate actions are taken; it does not imply that prog-ress is likely in the absence of such actions. "GSPC Targets" are those of the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. |
GOAL 1: Promote the conservation of the biological diversity of ecosystems, habitats and biomes. |
Target |
Target Prospects for Progress by 2010 |
1.1 |
At least 10% of each of the world's ecological regions effectively conserved. |
Whereas some 12% of terrestrial areas are protected overall, the proportion varies among biomes, and even more so among ecoregions. Moreover, not all of these areas are "effectively conserved". Only about 0.6% of marine areas are protected. Reaching the target is thus challenging but achievable. |
1.2 |
Areas of particular importance to biodi-versity protected. |
Sites of importance to birds are well documented, and those for plants becoming so. Progress is being made towards protecting these two sets of sites. Progress in other key biodiversity areas is variable. GSPC Target 5: "Protection of 50% of the most important areas for plant diversity assured" is challenging but achievable. |
GOAL 2: Promote the conservation of species diversity. |
2.1 |
Restore, maintain, or reduce the decline of populations of species of selected taxonomic groups. |
Many species will continue to decline in abundance and distribution, but restoration and maintenance of selected species is possible. |
2.2 |
Status of threatened species improved. |
More species will become threatened, but species-based conservation measures will improve the status of some. |
GOAL 3: Promote the conservation of genetic diversity. |
3.1 |
Genetic diversity of crops, livestock, and harvested species of trees, fish, and wildlife and other valuable species conserved, and associated indigenous and local knowledge maintained. |
Good prospects for ex situ conservation. Overall, agricultural systems are likely to continue to be simplified. Significant losses of fish genetic diversity likely. Genetic resources in situ and traditional knowledge will be protected through some projects, but are likely to decline overall. |
GOAL 4: Promote sustainable use and consumption. |
4.1 |
Biodiversity-based products derived from sources that are sustainably man-aged, and production areas managed consistent with the conservation of biodiversity. |
Progress expected for some components of biodiversity, and increased take-up of various certification schemes likely to continue. If more general "good practices" for sustainable management of agriculture and forestry are applied, the GSPC Targets 6 and 12 are achievable ("30% of production lands managed for conservation" and"30% of products derived from sustainable sources"). More stringent and urgent action is needed for marine fish stocks. Overall, although substantial progress is possible, it is unlikely that the majority of products and production areas will be sustainable by 2010. |
4.2 |
Unsustainable consumption of biologi-cal resources, or consumption that has an impact on biodiversity, reduced. |
Total consumption is projected to increase due to demographic change and economic growth. However, these increases could be moderated by reduced waste and luxury consumption. |
4.3 |
No species of wild flora or fauna endan-gered by international trade. |
Progress is possible, for example through enhanced implementation of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora. |
GOAL 5: Pressures from habitat loss, land-use change and degradation, and unsustainable water use reduced. |
5.1 |
Rate of loss and degradation of natural habitats decreased. |
Land-use change is projected to continue to be the largest driver of ecosystem change and biodiversity loss. However, rates of change could be decreased and, through landscape-level planning, pressures on regions of high conservation value could be further reduced. |
GOAL 6: Control threats from invasive alien species. |
6.1 |
Pathways for major potential alien invasive species controlled. |
While pressures are likely to increase from greater transport, trade, and tourism, measures to address these major pathways could be enhanced, including through the implementation of existing international agreements (e.g., the International Plant Protection Convention, the International Ballast Water Convention). |
Source: CBD
Global Biodiversity Outlook 2 (2006),
Chapter 4: Prospects and challenges for achieving the 2010 biodiversity target, p.60
Related publication:
Other Figures & Tables on this publication:
Table 3.1 Strategic Plan scorecard
Table 4.1 Prospects for achieving the targets of the framework for assessing progress towards the 2010 Biodiversity Target
Table 2.1 Headline indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 Biodiversity Target †
Figure 1.1 Biodiversity, ecosystem functioning, ecosystem services, and drivers of change
Figure 2.2 Locations reported by various studies as undergoing high rates of change in forest cover in the past few decades
Figure 2.8 Degree of protection of terrestrial ecoregions and large marine ecosystems (all IUCN Protected Areas Management Categories combined)
Figure 2.9 Frequency distribution of terrestrial ecoregions by percentage surface area under protection
Figure 2.11 Change the Marine Trophic Index (early 1950s to the present)
Figure 2.12 Impact classification based on river channel fragmentation and water flow regulation by dams on 292 of the world’s large river systems
Figure 2.13 Estimates of forest fragmentation due to anthropogenic causes
Figure 2.14 Status and trends in biological oxygen demand (BOD) of major rivers in five regions (1980-2005)
Figure 2.16 Estimated total reactive nitrogen deposition from the atmosphere (wet and dry) (early 1990s)
Figure 2.17 Number of alien species recorded in the Nordic terrestrial, freshwater and marine environment
Figure 2.19 Intensity of ecological footprint
Figure 4.1 Main direct drivers of change in biodiversity and ecosystems
Box 3.3 Principles, guidelines and other tools developed under the Convention
Box 1.1 The role of biodiversity in mitigating the impacts of natural disasters
Box 1.2 Contribution of ecosystem goods and services to national economies
Box 1.3 Millennium Development Goals
Box 2.1 Headline indicators for assessing progress towards the 2010 Biodiversity Target
Box 3.1 The Ecosystem Approach
Box 3.2 Programmes of work of the Convention
Box 3.4 The biodiversity-related conventions
Box 3.5 The business case for biodiversity
Box 4.1Summary of the main findings on biodiversity of the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment
Box 4.2 Policy options for the 2010 Biodiversity Target and beyond
Box 4.3 Elements of a strategy to reduce biodiversity loss
Box 5.1 Checklist of key actions for 2010
Figure 1.2 Economic benefits under alternative management practices
Figure 2.1 Annual net change in forest area by region (1990–2005)
Figure 2.3 Change in live coral cover across the Caribbean basin (1977-2002)
Figure 2.4 The Living Planet Index: trends in populations of terrestrial, freshwater, and marine species worldwide
Figure 2.5 Trends in European common birds in farmland and forest habitats
Figure 2.6 Red List Index for birds in marine, freshwater and terrestrial ecosystems, and in forest and shrubland/grassland habitats (1988-2004)
Figure 2.7 Trends in terrestrial surface under protected areas
Figure 2.10 Trends in mean trophic levels of fisheries landings (1950-2000)
Figure 2.15 Global trends in the creation of reactive nitrogen on Earth by human activity
Figure 2.18 Global Ecological Footprint
Figure 2.20 Aid activities targeting CBD objectives from 16 developed countries (1998-2003)
Figure 3.1 Participation in Convention processes
Figure 4.2 Links between food, energy and biodiversity loss
Figure 4.4 Outcomes for hunger reduction and biodiversity loss under the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment scenarios.