| Air quality in Europe
1 page, 0.2 MB Summary of Air quality in Europe - 2013 report Web version
| Allergenic fragrances in cosmetic products
1 page, 0.9 MB Opinion on Fragrance allergens in cosmetic products Web version
| Antibiotic resistance: causes, consequences and means to limit it
2 pages, 0.2 MB Antibiotic resistance: causes, consequences and means to limit it.  Available in
Web version
| Are Metal-on-Metal hip implants safe?
1 page, 0.3 MB Summary of Metal-on-Metal - 2014 report Web version
| Are silver nanoparticles safe? Implications for health, the
environment and microbial resistance
1 page, 0.2 MB Are silver nanoparticles safe? Web version
| Are toys containing chromium VI safe for children?
1 page, 0.3 MB Summary of Chromium - 2015 report Web version
| Artificial Light and Health
1 page, 0.4 MB Scientific opinion "Health effects of artificial light"  Available in
Web version
| Bisphenol A in medical devices
1 page, 0.4 MB The safety of the use of bisphenol A in medical devices Web version
| Climate Change mitigation: practical measures to limit global warming
IPCC report 2014 Working Group III
2 pages, 0.2 MB Climate Change mitigation: practical measures to limit global warming -
IPCC report 2014 Working Group III  Available in
Web version
| Climate Change: 2013 IPCC Update
4 pages, 0.4 MB Opinion on the safety of Poly Implant Prothèse (PIP) Silicone Breast  Available in
Web version
| Dental fillings: a concern for your health? Safety of dental amalgam
and alternative dental restoration materials
1 page, 0.3 MB Copublication summary of the scientific opinion "The safety of dental amalgam
and alternative dental restoration materials for patients and users." Web version
| Does electromagnetic field exposure endanger health?
1 page, 0.1 MB Opinion on Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) Web version
| Electromagnetic Fields 2015 Update
1 page, 0.1 MB Copublication summary of the "Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF)"
(SCENIHR). Web version
| Exposure to mixture (“cocktails”) of chemical substances: Are the health and environmental risks adequately evaluated?
1 page, 0.2 MB Exposure to mixture (“cocktails”) of chemical substances: are the health
and environmental risks adequately evaluated? Web version
| Health Effects of Artificial Light
1 page, 0.4 MB Copublication summary of the scientific opinion "Health effects of
artificial light"  Available in
Web version
| Impacts of a 4°C global warming
1 page, 0.5 MB Turn Down the Heat ~ why a 4°C warmer world must be avoided Web version
| Is it safe to use cosmetics containing nanoform silica?
1 page, 0.2 MB Opinion on ??? Web version
| Mercury from dental amalgam
1 page, 0.2 MB Opinion on the environmental risks and indirect health effects of mercury from dental amalgam Web version
| Mercury in Compact Fluorescent Lamps
1 page, 0.4 MB Copublication summary of the opinion on "Mercury in Certain Energy-saving Light Bulbs"
(SCHER).  Available in
Web version
| Methods for the assessment of endocrine disruptors
1 page, 0.3 MB The scientific criteria for identification of endocrine disruptors and
appropriateness of existing test methods for assessing effects mediated by these
substances on human health and the environment. Web version
| Methylene glycol in hair straighteners
1 page, 0.5 MB Copublication summary of the scientific opinion on "Methylene glycol" Web version
| Parabens used in cosmetics
1 page, 0.2 MB Copublication summary of the "Opinion on parabens" Web version
| Perfume Allergies
1 page, 0.9 MB Copublication summary of the scientific opinion on "Fragrance allergens in cosmetic products" Web version
| Products that resemble foods and appeal to children Potential risks of accidental ingestion
1 page, 0.2 MB Copublication summary of the "Opinion on the potential health risks posed by chemical consumer products resembling food and/or having child- appealing properties"
(SCCS).  Available in
Web version
| Risks of Shale Gas exploitation in Europe
1 page, 0.3 MB Support to the identification of potential risks for the environment and human health arising
from hydrocarbons operations involving hydraulic fracturing in Europe. Web version
| Security Scanners
1 page, 0.4 MB Copublication summary of the scientific opinion "Health effects of security
scanners for passenger screening (based on X-ray technology)" Web version
| Sunscreens with titanium dioxide as nanoparticles. Health risks?
1 page, 0.6 MB Sunscreens with titanium dioxide as nanoparticles. Health risks? Web version
| Synthetic Biology
1 page, 0.5 MB “Opinion on Synthetic Biology II - Risk assessment methodologies and safety aspects”, SCENIHR/SCHER/SCCS 2015 Web version
| The essentials about vaccines and vaccination
2 pages, 0.2 MB The essentials about vaccines and vaccination  Available in
Web version
| Triclosan and Antibiotics resistance
1 page, 0.5 MB Copublication summary of the "Opinion on triclosan (antimicrobial resistance)"
(SCCS).  Available in
Web version
| X-Ray Full-Body Scanners for Airport Security
1 page, 0.4 MB Copublication summary of the scientific opinion "Health effects of security
scanners for passenger screening (based on X-ray technology)" Web version
| Zinc Oxide in nanoform
1 page, 0.3 MB Summary of the scientific opinion "Zinc oxide (nano form)" Web version