
A-Z List

GreenFacts publications are faithful summaries of international scientific reports, peer-reviewed by independent experts.

Title [Languages]
Latest update: Source
Aids Epidemic home
A 2017 update on AIDS epidemic
[en] [fr
What is the current state of the epidemic? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board1/12/2017UNAIDS
Global Warming home
A global climate 1.5° Celsius degree warmer: how does the IPCC consider it will affect the world?
[de] [en] [fr
What will happen when this reaches 1.5°C or 2.0°C? How can it be prevented? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board24/4/2019IPCC
Mycotoxins home
A global evaluation of the impact of mycotoxins contaminants on food safety
[en] [fr
What are their effects and how can they be prevented? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board24/5/2018WHO
Mineral extraction risks home
A responsible management of supply chains of metals and of mineral extraction from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas - An OECD Due Diligence Guidance
[en] [fr
The objective of this OECD Guide is to identify, prevent or mitigate through "due diligence" processes the risks of human rights Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board3/4/2021
Acrylamide in food home
Acrylamide in food: is there a health risk?
[de] [en] [fr] [nl
Is there a risk to health from acrylamide in food? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board10/3/2017EFSA
Agriculture home
Agriculture & Development
[en] [es] [fr] [nl
How could agriculture foster equitable and sustainable development? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/4/2008IAASTD
AIDS home
status & challenges of the epidemic

[en] [es] [fr
What is the current extent of the epidemic and what can be done to stop and revert it? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/11/2006UNAIDS
Nitrogen Dioxide home
Air Pollution
Nitrogen Dioxide

[en] [es] [fr
How do air pollutants produced by traffic and combustion affect our health? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/8/2005WHO
Ozone home
Air Pollution

[en] [es] [fr
Can groundlevel ozone (O3) affect human health?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/8/2005WHO
Particulate Matter home
Air Pollution
Particulate Matter

[en] [es] [fr
What effects do particles suspended in the air have on human health?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/8/2005WHO
Air quality in Europe home
Air quality in Europe
[en] [es] [fr
Air quality remains an important issue for public health, the economy and the environment. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/5/2014EEA
Alcohol home
[en] [es] [fr] [nl
How many people are affected by alcohol and how does it affect our health?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/3/2006WHO
Allergenic fragrances home
Allergenic fragrances in cosmetic products
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Fragrance ingredients are the compounds that are used in consumer goods to give a specific, usually pleasant smell. They can sometimes cause skin irritations or allergic reactions. Is the current information available to consumers adequate? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission30/9/2013SCCS
Animal testing home
Alternatives to animal testing for safety assessment of chemicals in Europe
[de] [en] [fr] [nl
Evaluating the safety of chemicals most often requires the use of tests on animals. However, there is a strong push towards the use of alternative methods. What are these alternatives and are they effective? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board20/5/2018ECHA
Antibiotics Research home
Antibacterial agents in clinical development
[en] [fr
Antibiotic resistance is a serious public health issue. What are the prospects for the development of new drugs to fight it? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board3/11/2017WHO
Antibiotic resistance home
Antibiotic resistance: causes, consequences and means to limit it
[de] [en] [es] [fr
The misuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of resistant bacteria. What has caused it and how can the spread of resistance be limited? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/9/2014WHO / CDC
Antimicrobial resistance home
Antimicrobial resistance in animal production
[en] [fr
What can be done to limit its spread and impacts? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board23/6/2018FAO
Arctic Climate Change home
Arctic Climate Change
[en] [es] [fr
How will arctic climate change affect the rest of the planet?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/10/2006ACIA
Metal-on-Metal hip implants home
Are Metal-on-Metal hip implants safe?
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Metal-on-Metal joint implants may solve many dysfunctions related to the hip. But, but do they come with risks? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission5/3/2015SCENIHR
Silver Nanoparticles home
Are silver nanoparticles safe?
Implications for health, the environment and microbial resistance

[de] [en] [es] [fr
Are silver nanoparticles safe for your health and for the environment? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission17/6/2014SCENIHR
Chromium home
Are toys containing chromium VI safe for children?
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Toys may be manufactured from materials containing chromium VI. Are toys containing chromium VI safe for children? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission4/3/2015SCHER
Arsenic home
[en] [es] [fr
When can arsenic present in food or water be harmful?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/12/2004IPCS
Artificial Light and Health home
Artificial Light and Health
[en] [fr
Must we be cautious when using artificial light? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission30/09/2013SCENIHR
Aspartame home
[en] [es] [fr
Does this artificial sweetener pose health risks?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/6/2004EC-SCF
Aspartame home
Aspartame, updated assessment of risks on health, cancer and pregnancy
[en] [fr
Aspartame is one of the most widely used artificial sweetener, is it safe? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board28/03/2017EFSA
Water Resources Assessments home
Assessments of water resources and their management
[en] [fr] [nl
Water is essential for life, but humanity faces complex challenges related to increasing demand. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board31/3/2021
Bee losses home
Bee health.
Highlight of international initiatives taken to manage the issue of bee losses.

[de] [en] [es] [fr
Are the causes of bee losses now well identified ? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board20/3/2014EFSA
Biochar home
Biochar Systems using biomass as an energy source for Developing Countries
[en] [es] [fr
Biochar can be used as fuel or as a fertilizer, and is particularly relevant to developing countries. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board4/3/2015World Bank
Biodiversity (MA) home
& Human Well-being

[de] [en] [es] [fr] [nl
Current trends in biodiversity loss and their effects human well-being Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/5/2006MA
Biodiversity (CBD) home
A Global Outlook

[en] [es] [fr] [nl
What progress has been made towards the 2010 target of the Convention on Biological Diversity?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/5/2007CBD
Biodiversity home
Biodiversity and Ecosystem services: a global assessment of their trends
[de] [en] [fr
What are the conclusions of the evaluation of ecosystems and the services they provide ? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board20/12/2019IPBES
Biosecurity home
Biosecurity tools to manage public health and environmental risks
[en] [fr
How can biosecurity be ensured through an integrated approach? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board16/12/2019IPCCFAO
Bisphenol A home
Bisphenol A in medical devices
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Is exposure to BPA via medical devices safe? Are there any risks? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission24/06/2015SCENIHR
Boron home
[en] [es] [fr
Could boron contained in food and water affect my health?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/12/2004IPCS
Cadmium home
[en] [es] [fr
How does cadmium affect human health and the environment? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board10/1/2015UNEP
Cancer rates and mortality, types and causes home
Cancer rates and mortality, types and causes: a synthesis
[de] [en] [es] [fr
This is a synthesis which looks at the evolution of cancer rates and its related mortality. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board27/12/2016WHOIARCNIHNCIINSERM
Chernobyl home
Nuclear Accident

[en] [es] [fr
Overview of the impacts 30 years after the accident Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board17/12/2017UN Chernobyl Forum
Chlorine Sodium Hypochlorite home
Chlorine and sodium hypochlorite hazards and risks: no need for further risk reduction measures
[de] [en] [fr
Chlorine and sodium hypochlorite are widely used for disinfection and bleaching, among other things to disinfect drinking water. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board5/5/2017WHOIPCSEUECHA
Climate Change home
Climate Change
2001 Assessment

[de] [en] [es] [fr
What was known in 2001 about climate change and its consequences? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/9/2002IPCC
Climate Change home
Climate Change
2007 Update

[en] [es] [fr] [nl
How is the climate changing and what future changes are expected?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/8/2007IPCC
Climate Change Mitigation home
Climate Change mitigation: practical measures to limit global warming
IPCC report 2014 Working Group III

[de] [en] [es] [fr
The Fifth Assessment Report (AR5) of the IPCC was prepared by three working groups Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board25/8/2014IPCC
Food & Agriculture home
Climate change, agriculture and food security
[en] [es] [fr
What are the strategies and policies that could help address climate change? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board28/06/2017FAO
Climate Change home
Climate Change: 2013 IPCC Update
[en] [es] [fr
This is a comprehensive assessment of the physical aspects of climate change with a focus on understanding past, current, and future changes. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board24/3/2014IPCC
Climate impacts adaptation home
Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability
IPCC report 2014 Working Group II

[en] [es] [fr
This is a summary of the contribution of the working group II to the IPCC’s fifth assessment. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board25/8/2014IPCC
Climate impact of shale gas home
Climate impact of potential shale gas production in the EU
[de] [en] [es] [fr
What are the greenhouse gas emissions and climate implications of shale gas exploitation? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board10/2/2015DG Environment
CO2 Capture & Storage home
CO2 Capture and Storage
[en] [es] [fr] [nl
How does it work? Could it really help addressing climate change?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/9/2007IPCC
Estrogen-progestogen cancer risk home
Combined estrogen-progestogen for contraception and menopausal therapy: is there a cancer risk?
[en] [fr
Combined estrogen-progestogen pills are used both as oral contraceptives and for hormone therapy in menopausal women. How is their use linked to cancer risks? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board7/3/2017IARC
Phthalates Comparison home
Comparison of Health and Environmental Effects between four Phthalates
[en] [fr
Comparison of potential dangers and risks of four phthalates used mainly as plasticizers in PVC applications. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/8/2013
Endocrine disrupting properties of pesticides home
Conclusions by EFSA of a critical assessment of the endocrine disrupting properties of a series of pesticides
[en] [fr
The european regulations on pesticides have brought forward a debate on the concepts of risk and hazard in this particular context. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board28/6/2016EFSA
Fukushima Consequences home
Consequences of the Fukushima nuclear accident – IAEA Report of 2015
[en] [es] [fr
What are the causes and consequences accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board12/9/2016IAEA
Dental Fillings home
Dental fillings: a concern for your health?
Safety of dental amalgam and alternative dental restoration materials

[de] [en] [es] [fr
Mercury, which is the metallic element used in dental amalgam fillings, has well-documented and well-known health effects. Do dental amalgam and alternative materials pose any risks? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission2/7/2015SCENIHR
Desertification home
[en] [es] [fr
Current trends in desertification and their effects on ecosystems and human well-being Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/10/2006MA
Land Degradation and Desertification home
Desertification and Land Degradation: Evolution and Management
[de] [en] [es] [fr
How can land conservation efforts help to reverse the current worrying trends in the state of our land resources? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board16/11/2018MA
Diet & Nutrition home
Diet and Nutrition
Prevention of Chronic Diseases

[de] [en] [es] [fr
Diet, Nutrition, and the prevention of chronic diseasesDigest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/7/2006WHO / FAO
DEHP home
Diethylhexyl phthalate
[en] [es] [fr
Considering its widespread use in everyday and medical products, does DEHP pose a risk to health or the environment? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board17/7/2012ECB
Dioxins home
[en] [es] [fr
What are the health risks posed by dioxins? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/8/2004IPCS - WHO
Health Effects of Electromagnetic Fields home
Does electromagnetic field exposure endanger health?
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Is EMF exposure dangerous for your health? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission6/3/2015SCENIHR
Thorium nuclear fuel home
Does thorium have the potential to become an alternative nuclear fuel?
[de] [en] [fr
What are the challenges and advantages of using thorium as nuclear fuel? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/5/2017OECD
Tuberculosis home
Drug-resistant Tuberculosis
[en] [es] [fr] [nl
What are the trends in drug-resistant tuberculosis around the world and what must be done to control it? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board18/12/2008WHO
Ecosystem Change home
Ecosystem Change
[en] [es] [fr
Ecosystem degradation and human well-being Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/3/2005MA
Biocides home
Effects of Biocides
on antibiotic resistance

[de] [en] [es] [fr
Can the use of biocides lead to antibiotic resistant bacteria? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission8/10/2009SCENIHR
Effects of cannabis home
Effects of cannabis use by teens
[en] [es] [fr
Are teens well informed about the risks associated with cannabis? What are those risks ? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board1/4/2016CCSA
Electromagnetic Fields home
Electromagnetic Fields
2015 Update

[de] [en] [es] [fr
The omnipresence of new technologies that emit electromagnetic fields has raised concerns about how EMF exposure might impact our health. Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission8/9/2009SCENIHR
Endocrine Disruptors home
Endocrine Disruptors
[de] [en] [es] [fr] [nl
Are environmental chemicals affecting our hormonal system?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/3/2004IPCS
Endocrine disruptors risks home
Endocrine disruptors and their impact on human health and the environment
[de] [en] [es] [fr] [nl
What are the risks associated with those chemicals? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board1/5/2015DG Environment
Energy Technologies home
Energy Technologies
Scenarios to 2050

[en] [es] [fr] [nl
What options do we have for switching to a cleaner and more efficient energy future? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board9/2/2009IEA
Energy Saving Lamps home
Energy-Saving Lamps & Health
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Do these energy-saving lamps aggravate the symptoms in patients with certain diseases? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission29/5/2009SCENIHR
Soils degradation home
Erosion, biodiversity, contamination and the declining state of soil in Europe
[en] [fr
How could soil be protected? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board10/3/2017EEA
Acupuncture home
Evaluating effectivenness and safety of acupuncture
[en] [es] [fr
Acupuncture is used more and more, is it safe and effective? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/10/2015INSERM
Fluorinated gases home
Evolution of uses and emissions of fluorinated gases, in particular those of hydro-fluorocarbon type (H-FC).
[de] [en] [fr] [nl
Fluorinated gasses have an effect on the ozone layer and on the climate. What are the stakes related to their use in refrigeration or air conditioning? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board21/11/2019EEAEC
Chemical Mixtures home
Exposure to mixture (“cocktails”) of chemical substances:
Are the health and environmental risks adequately evaluated?

[de] [en] [es] [fr
There is increasing concern in the general public about the potential toxic effects of chemical substance mixtures (in the media often referred to as “cocktail-effects”). Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board17/6/2014SCHER / SCENIHR / SCCS
Exposure to chemical mixtures home
Exposure to multiple “chemical mixtures”: methods for their human and ecological risk assessment
[de] [en] [fr] [nl
How to evaluate the risk of multiple possible combinations of chemicals when present in a mixture? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board21/8/2019EFSA
Circular Economy home
Facts on circular economy in the EU & worldwide: what, where, who & how
[de] [en] [es] [fr] [nl
How can the concept of a circular economy help alleviate this problem? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board16/5/2017UNEPOECDEUEASACCOR
Fisheries home
Latest data

[de] [en] [es] [fr] [nl
To what extent are fish stocks exploited? How has the state of fisheries changed? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board2/3/2009FAO
Fluoride home
[en] [es] [fr
Under what conditions can fluoride exposure benefit or harm health?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/4/2005IPCS
Forests home
[en] [es] [fr
State of the world's forest resources Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/1/2007FAO
Forests & Energy home
Forests & Energy
[de] [en] [es] [fr] [nl
Could biofuels derived from forestry products and residues help meet the world's increasing energy demand? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board16/3/2009FAO
Forests & agriculture land use home
Forests and Agriculture in the world in 2016 : the land-use challenges and opportunities.
[en] [fr
Forest and agriculture are often at odds when it comes to using land. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board2/2/2018FAO
Genetically Modified Crops home
Genetically Modified Crops
[de] [en] [es] [fr
In what way are GM crops different from conventional crops?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board17/12/2017FAO
Global Biodiversity Outlook 4  home
Global Biodiversity Outlook 4 - Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity
[en] [es] [fr
In 2002, the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a target: reduce the loss of biodiversity by 2010. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board6/11/2017CBD
Food Wastage home
Global Food Wastage – Causes and impact on natural resources
[en] [es] [fr
It is estimated by the FAO that each year, one-third of produced for all food human consumption in the world is lost or wasted. This has impacts for food security and for the environment. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board20/2/2015FAO
Arctic Climate Change home
Global Impacts of climate change in the Arctic
[en] [fr] [nl
The Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the planet, and in a region where ice and snow are so present, this has deep impacts. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/5/2017AMAP
Global Public Health Threats home
Global Public Health Threats
[en] [es] [fr] [nl
In an increasingly connected world, what are the threaths to our collective health? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board10/10/2008WHO
Gluten intolerance home
Gluten intolerance, hazards and risks
[en] [es] [fr
What is intolerance to gluten? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board11/3/2016US-FDA
Glyphosate and cancer home
Glyphosate and cancer: what is the difference in its classification by the IARC and EFSA?
[de] [en] [es] [fr] [it] [nl
What explains a difference in the classification of glyphosate between the evaluations of IARC and EFSA? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board24/4/2016IARCEFSA
Aquatic environment home
Hazardous substances in fresh and marine waters in the European aquatic environment
[de] [en] [fr
Are the fresh and marine waters of Europe safe from pollution? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board10/3/2017EEA
Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) home
Hazards and risk associated to Perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), its salts and PFOA-related substances
[de] [en] [fr] [it] [nl
Is the presence of perfluorooctanoic acid in finished products a risk? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board31/03/2017ECHAUS EPAACSSC
Chlorpyrifos pesticide home
Hazards and risks of the pesticides chlorpyrifos and chlorpyrifos-methyl: the European Food safety Agency (EFSA) evaluation and consequences for their future use in the E.U.
[de] [en] [fr
What are the EFSA conclusions on chlorpyrifos that led to that suspension of its approval? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board13/12/2019EFSA
Nanomaterials home
Health and environmental risks of nanoparticles and nanomaterials
[de] [en] [fr] [nl
New scientific methods have to be developped since current methods may not be relevant to testing nanomaterials. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board28/9/2016RIVM
Artificial Light home
Health Effects of Artificial Light
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Can new artificial light sources affect the health of the general public or of light-sensitive people?Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission18/02/2013SCENIHR
Fukushima accident home
Health risks following the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident
[en] [es] [fr
What are the health impacts of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear accident for the workers and for the general population? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board27/4/2015WHO
Impacts of a 4°C global warming home
Impacts of a 4°C global warming
[de] [en] [es] [fr
What are the consequences of a 4°C global warming? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/9/2013World Bank
Chronic Diseases on Labour Practices home
Impacts of obesity, smoking, alcohol consumption and related chronic diseases on labour practice.
[en] [es] [fr
What is their economic impact on labour market? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board25/11/2016OECD
India Millennium Development Goals home
India achievements towards the Millennium Development Goals
[en] [es] [fr
How did India fare in meeting the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board12/4/2016UNESCAP
Indoor Air Quality home
Indoor Air Quality
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Which indoor air pollutants raise concern? How can indoor air quality be determined? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission15/6/2008SCHER
Biological Diversity home
International Convention on Biological Biodiversity - Outcome of the 2018 Conference of the Parties
[en] [es] [fr] [nl
Key decisions adopted in 2018 by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity in preparation for a 2050 Biodiversity Vision for the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report published in 2020. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board5/5/2021CBD
Climate Change home
IPCC Climate Change technical report 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
[en] [fr
This Technical Report of AR6 summarizes the current understanding of observed climate change impacts on ecosystems and human societies as well as vulnerabilities and future risks Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board31/3/2022IPCC
Nano-silica home
Is it safe to use cosmetics containing nanoform silica?
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Is nano-silica in cosmetics dangerous? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission1/8/2015SCCS
Biofuels home
Liquid Biofuels for Transport
Prospects, risks and opportunities

[de] [en] [nl
The effects of increased biofuel production on global agricultural markets, the environment and on food security are already significant and are stirring controversy. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/09/2009FAO
Lyme Disease home
Lyme Disease or Lyme Borreliosis
[en] [es] [fr
What is the treatment?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board25/7/2016BFPSH
Organic Food home
Making informed an choice on organic food
[en] [fr
How is organic food regulated in Europe and what are the potential health and environmental benefits? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board27/12/2017EC
Malaria home
status & challenges of the epidemic

[en] [es] [fr] [nl
What is being done to control the spread of malaria? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board21/4/2009WHO
Nanomaterials home
Managing the potential health risks and protection for workers from occupational exposure to manufactured nanomaterials
[de] [en] [fr
How are risks of new manufactured nanomaterials managed? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board19/11/2018WHO
Marine Litter home
Marine litter and microplastics
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Some of the plastic waste resulting from the ever increasing use of plastics makes its way into the marine environment. What do we know about the extent of this problem? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/3/2013GESAMP
Mercury home
[en] [es] [fr
Are mercury releases being controlled?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/11/2004UNEP
Mercury from dental amalgam home
Mercury from dental amalgam
[de] [en] [es] [fr
What are the environmental risks and indirect health effects of mercury from dental amalgam? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission15/3/2014SCHER
Mercury in CFL home
Mercury in Compact Fluorescent Lamps
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Does the mercury they contain pose a risk to consumers? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission7/7/2011SCHER
Evaluation of endocrine disruptors home
Methods for the assessment of endocrine disruptors
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Are current methods to evaluate the risks associated with endocrine disruptors adequate?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/8/2013EFSA
Methylene glycol home
Methylene glycol in hair straighteners
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Is the use of methylene glycol in hair straightening products safe? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission30/9/2013SCCS
Nanosafety home
[de] [en] [es] [fr
The rapid development of nanotechnology created some concerns about their possible effects on human health and safety, and environmental burden. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board31/7/2015FIOH
Nanotechnologies home
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Are the existing risk assessment methodologies of nanotechnologies adequate. Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission15/8/2007SCENIHR
Neonicotinoids home
Neonicotinoids, bees, ecosystem services and agriculture
[en] [es] [fr
Do neonicotinoid pesticides have an effect on services provided by ecosystems? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board8/3/2016EASAC
Aluminium exposure home
No risk of Alzheimer or cancer from aluminium exposure according to various scientific assessments
[de] [en] [fr
Does aluminium pose a health risk? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board24/2/2017EFSAANSM
Non-human primates home
Non-human primates
in research and safety testing

[de] [en] [es] [fr
Are there alternatives to the use of non-human primates in research and testing? Would it be feasible to stop using them altogether? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission29/6/2009SCHER
Parabens used in cosmetics home
Parabens used in cosmetics
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Is the way that parabens are used safe? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission30/9/2013SCCS
GBO 5 home
Part 1: Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 – Status of Biodiversity
[en] [fr
Biological diversity (Part 1): the context of the Convention Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board11/6/2021CBD
GBO 5 home
Part 2: Results of past & present action plans, objectives, actions and means required at the horizon 2030
[en] [fr
Biological diversity (Part 2): the objectives, actions and means at the horizon 2030 Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board22/7/2021CBD
GBO 5 home
Part 3: Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 – Pathways to 2050
[en] [fr
Biological diversity (Part 3): challenges 2050 Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board29/7/2021CBD
PCBs home
Polychlorinated biphenyls

[en] [es] [fr
What levels of PCB are we being exposed to? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/9/2006IPCS - WHO
Allergies home
Perfume Allergies
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Fragrance ingredients are the compounds that are used in consumer goods to give a specific, usually pleasant smell. They can sometimes cause skin irritations or allergic reactions. Is the current information available to consumers adequate? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission15/6/2013SCCS
Personal Music Players & Hearing home
Personal Music Players & Hearing
[de] [en] [es] [fr
In the light of current scientific knowledge, can the use of personal music players damage hearing? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission13/10/2008SCENIHR
Pesticides occupational risks home
Pesticides: Occupational Exposure and Associated Health Effects
[en] [es] [fr
We review the scientific literature regarding the health risks associated with occupational exposure to pesticides.Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board7/6/2016INSERM
Phosphate resources home
Phosphate resources management
[en] [es] [fr
How can phosphate resources be managed to ensure food security? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board16/3/2016POST
DBP home
Di-butyl phthalate

[en] [es] [fr
Is the use of DBP in plastics posing a risk to health or the environment? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/12/2005ECB
Di-isodecyl & Di-isononyl phthalates

[en] [es] [fr
Is the use of DIDP and DINP in plastics posing a risk to health or the environment? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/12/2005ECB
Phthalates in school supplies home
Phthalates in school supplies
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Can regularly chewing on an eraser cause harmful health effects? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission8/6/2009SCHER
Poly brominated flame retardant decaBDE home
Poly brominated flame retardant decaBDE: updated hazards, risks and regulatory measures adopted.
[de] [en] [fr
Is decaBDE, widely used, safe to use? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board23/03/2017ECHAEFSA
Power lines home
Power lines, Wiring & Appliances
[en] [es] [fr
Are electromagnetic fields dangerous to human health? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/10/2004IARC
Radiological nuclear emergency home
Preparedness and Response to a Nuclear or Radiological Emergency
[de] [en] [fr
When it comes to nuclear and radiological emergencies, what are the steps needed for this preparedness? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board8/8/2018IAEA
Aspirin & Cancer home
Preventive effect of aspirin on cancer development
[de] [en] [fr] [nl
Various extracts on aspirin from the World Cancer Report 2020 indicate that aspirin may have important preventive effects on various forms of cancer, which are highlighted here. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board2/4/2021
Substitution of harmful chemicals home
Processes and challenges in the substitution of harmful chemicals
[de] [en] [es] [fr] [nl
What are the challenges that are posed by this substitution process ? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/4/2016OECD
Accidental poisoning home
Products that resemble foods and appeal to children
Potential risks of accidental ingestion

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Consumer products such as shower gels or dishwashing liquids that are packaged to be appealing to children or to resemble food could pose a risk of accidental poisoning. Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission20/3/2012SCCS
Psychoactive Drugs home
Psychoactive Drugs
Tobacco, Alcohol, and Illicit Substances

[en] [es] [fr] [nl
How does drug addiction develop and how can it be treated?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/9/2006WHO
Marine litter home
Recent reports and initiatives on plastic and micro-plastic waste at sea
[de] [en] [fr] [nl
Plastic waste is a growing issue Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/2/2019WHOINSERM
Hazardous chemicals home
Reducing the impact of hazardous chemicals on public health: what is known and what can be done to reduce it?
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What can be done to reduce the effects of exposure to harmful chemicals? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/10/2018WHO
Respiratory Diseases home
Respiratory Diseases
in Children

[en] [es] [fr
Can air pollution affect a child's likelihood to develop such diseases?Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/10/2005EC
Shale Gas home
Risks of Shale Gas exploitation in Europe
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What are the potential health and environmental risks of hydraulic fracturing? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/9/2013DG Environment
Transgenic salmon home
Safety of a transgenic or genetically modified salmon : the AquAdvantage salmon
Is the AquAdvantage transgenic salmon safe for human consumption and for the environment? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board23/11/2015US-FDA
Aspartame Reevaluation home
Safety of aspartame (2014 Update)
[en] [es] [fr
Aspartame is a sweetener that is in use for several decades. The latest data has recently been reviewed by the European Food Safety Authority in the context of a systematic re-evaluation of all food additives in use in Europe. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/11/2014EFSA
Tattoos home
Safety of tattoos and permanent make-up (PMU)
[en] [fr
In Europe, 12% of the population has tattoos, are they safe? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board17/11/2017EU
Safety of sunscreens home
Safety of titanium dioxide and zinc oxide nanoparticles in sunscreens
[de] [en] [fr] [nl
Are zinc oxide and titanium dioxide nanoparticles safe? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board29/6/2017TGA
Security Scanners home
Security Scanners
[de] [en] [es] [fr
Is the use of x-ray security scanners safe for passengers and workers? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission18/2/2013SCENIHR
Single-use plastics home
Single-use plastic tableware and its alternatives - recommendations by the UNEP
[de] [en] [fr] [nl
Reusable tableware consistently outperforms single-use tableware in all the studies and across most environmental impact categories Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board20/5/2021UNEP
Benzodiazepines home
Some facts about benzodiazepines and their uses
[en] [fr
How should benzodiazepines be used, considering that dependance and tolerance can develop with continued use? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board26/6/2017RACGP
State of the European Environment home
State of the European Environment
[en] [es] [fr
A comprehensive assessment of Europe’s progress towards achieving environmental sustainability. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board20/9/2015EEA
Static Fields home
Static Fields
[en] [es] [fr
Do static magnetic or electric fields used for instance in medical imaging pose health risks? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/3/2006WHO
Sunbeds & UV radiation home
& UV radiation

[de] [en] [es] [fr
EU assessment on the health and safety implications of natural solar UV radiation and artificial UV radiation from sunbeds. Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission15/8/2007SCCP
Titanium dioxide nanoparticles home
Sunscreens with titanium dioxide as nanoparticles.
Health risks?

[de] [en] [es] [fr
Are sunscreens with titanium dioxide nanoparticles safe? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission27/6/2014SCCS
Synthetic Biology home
Synthetic Biology
[de] [en] [es] [fr
What could be the potential risks of synthetic biology? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission15/8/2015SCENIHR / SCHER / SCCS
Sulfaxoflor Pesticide home
The 2019 reassessment of the pesticide sulfoxaflor and, in particular, its impact on bees and other pollinators
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Sulfoxaflor is a new insecticide active ingredient that was recently registered for approval. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board26/4/2019EFSAEU
Vaccines home
The essentials about vaccines and vaccination
[en] [es] [fr] [nl
Vaccination saves millions of lives each year. How do they work and is there still progress to be made? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/9/2014CDC / WHO
Europe Green Deal home
The essentials of the "Green Deal" of the European Commission
[de] [en] [fr] [nl
The European Union has published, at the end of 2019, a European Green Deal, which covers policy guidance on climate and pollution. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board7/1/2020EC
COP26 home
The essentials of the Glasgow Pact (COP26) 2021
[en] [fr] [nl
Main decisions of the Glasgow Climate Pact adopted at the 26th COP26 Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board25/1/2022UNFCCC
Ozone layer depletion home
The evolution of ozone layer depletion, its impact on climate change, health and the environment.
[de] [en] [fr
What is the state of the ozone layer and how is it linked to climate change? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board27/4/2017UNEPEC
Solar Energy home
The Future of solar energy
[en] [es] [fr
What are the advances that are needed to reduce the cost further and deploy the technology on a larger scale ? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board21/11/2015MITEI
Cancer home
The global cancer burden & cancer prevention strategies
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What are the strategies that can be used for cancer prevention and early detection? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board24/3/2020IARC
Electronic Cigarettes home
The impact of electronic cigarettes on health and tobacco use control
[en] [es] [fr
Can electronic cigarettes have an impact on tobacco control? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board29/4/2015WHO
Biofuels home
The impact of EU biofuels production policies on developing countries
[en] [fr
The biofuel policies in the EU have impacts on developing countries, how can policies take that into account? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board5/12/2017EC
Palm Oil home
The impact of palm oil culture on biodiversity
[de] [en] [fr
What is the impact of oil palm culture for biodiversity and how can it become sustainable? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board26/4/2019IUCN
Cancer home
The main causes of cancer (including hazardous circumstances)
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The most comprehensive, up-to-date science on cancer prevention, including statistics, causes, mechanisms and early prevention. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board23/3/2020IARC
Sand Extraction home
The mining of sand, a non-renewable resource
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What exactly is happening ? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/10/2015UNEP
Tidal Energy home
The potential of tidal energy production
[en] [es] [fr
What is the potential or this energy source? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/8/2015IRENA
Pharmaceuticals environment home
The risks of environmental effects of pharmaceutical and medicinal products
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The pollution of the various compartments of the environment (water, soil and air) with pharmaceutical residues is an environmental concern Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board26/3/2015DG Health and Consumers
Safety of Cosmetics home
The safety assessments requirements of cosmetic products in the EU and worldwide
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Safety assessment of cosmetic products for human health are now required from different cosmetics regulations worldwide. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board9/2/2018EUUS-FDA
Fisheries and aquaculture home
The state and sustainability of Fisheries and Aquaculture
[en] [fr
Is the production of fish and seafood sustainable? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board30/11/2018FAO
Biodiversity home
The state in the world of the biodiversity for food and agriculture
[en] [fr
Many species that are essential for biodiversity and for agricultural production, such as bees, are currently threatened. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board25/4/2019FAO
Epidemic diseases home
The WHO strategic framework for prevention and control of emerging and epidemic-prone diseases
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Key steps taken by the WHO in 2019 to strengthen regional and national capacity to detect, verify and control emerging infectious diseases. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board20/4/2021
Tobacco home
Active and Passive Smoking

[en] [es] [fr
Are passive smokers also at risk? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/1/2005IARC
Dental Amalgams home
Tooth filling materials
Dental amalgams & alternative materials

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How safe and effective are dental amalgams containing mercury and alternative tooth-coloured materials? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission15/8/2008SCENIHRSCHER
Tooth Whiteners home
Tooth Whiteners & Oral Hygiene Products
containing hydrogen peroxide

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European Commission Opinion on the safety of tooth whitening products Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission26/9/2008SCCP
Sustainable oceans home
Towards a more sustainable use of our oceans in practice
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How can we ensure that the sustainable use of the services and resouces that the oceans offer ? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board29/3/2016WOR
Pollution home
Towards a pollution-free planet
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How can we ensure that the planet doesn’t degrade further? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board19/12/2017UNEP
Illicit drugs in Europe home
Trends of the use and abuse of illicit drugs in Europe
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This report is a comprehensive overview and summary of Europe’s illicit drugs situation. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board28/9/2016EMCDDA
Triclosan home
Triclosan and Antibiotics resistance
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Triclosan is a widely used disinfectant, and there is concern that this widespread use may give rise to bacteria resistant to both biocides and antibiotics. Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission17/10/2011SCCS
Air Pollution Europe home
Update on atmospheric pollutants emissions in the European Union, their decrease and their further evolution
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Even if there has been great improvements in air quality and significant decreases of air emissions in the last decades, air pollution is still a problem in Europe. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board10/2/2019EEA
Multiple vaccinations home
Vaccination and, in particular, multiple vaccinations
[en] [fr
There are public concerns on the safety and effectiveness of vaccination, are these concerns justified? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board7/6/2018WHOINSERM
Indonesian forests home
Valuing the ecosystem of the Indonesian rainforest
[en] [es] [fr
What can be done to preserve Indonesia’s forests ? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board25/10/2015UNORCID
Wastewater management home
Wastewater management and sustainable development
[en] [es] [fr
How can we better manage our wastewater in order to relieve some of the pressure on water resources? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board18/3/2016UNEP
Water Disinfectants home
Water Disinfectants
& disinfectant by-products

[en] [es] [fr
Do water disinfectants and their by-products pose health risks? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/8/2004IPCS
Water Resources home
Water Resources
[en] [es] [fr] [nl
How can water resources be managed sustainably while meeting an ever increasing demand? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/1/2008UN-Water WWAP
Water resources home
Water Resources 2018: improving the management of natural water resources through so-called nature-based solutions
[en] [fr
>Demand for water in the world is steadily increasing at the same time as the water supply is facing challenges from pollution, climate change, desertification, agriculture. Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board18/7/2018UN Water
Health Environment Management home
Well-being and disease prevention by improving environment management
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To what extent can environmental management better protect people’s health? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board5/11/2016WHO
Geothermal Energy home
World Geothermal Energy
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What is the place of geothermal energy in the energy mix? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board8/4/2015WEC
Wind Resources home
Worldwide Wind Resources Assessment
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How much wind power capacity is there in the world? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board20/11/2015WWEA
X-Ray Full-Body Scanners home
X-Ray Full-Body Scanners for Airport Security
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How safe are X-ray security scanners for passengers, in particular for frequent flyers? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission30/9/2013SCENIHR
Children & Screens home
Young children, their parents, and digital technologies: how are kids using screens?
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What are the potential consequences of screens at a younger age and what should parents do to protect them? Digest published under the authority of the GreenFacts Scientific Board15/11/2018EC
Zinc Oxide home
Zinc Oxide in nanoform
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New technologies have recently allowed the use of nano- sized zinc oxide particles in products like sunscreens. Are these different to conventional zinc oxide in terms of physical and chemical properties and toxicity? Co-Publication produced under contract with the European Commission30/9/2013SCCS
Themes covered
Publications A-Z

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