This Technical Report of AR6 summarizes the current understanding of observed climate change impacts on ecosystems and human societies as well as vulnerabilities and future risks More...
This is a faithful summary of the leading report produced in 2022 by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC):"Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and
Latest update: 31 March 2022
The GreenFacts Initiative is a non-profit project with an independent Scientific Board and a non-advocacy policy. Our Mission is to bring complex scientific consensus reports on health and the environment to the reach of non-specialists. GreenFacts publishes clear, faithful, and verified summaries of existing scientific reports on health, the environment and sustainable development.
![]() Current levels of air pollution still affect public health. Air pollution can cause respiratory diseases and reduce life expectancy. | ![]() What is the current state of biodiversity and the consequences of its loss for ecosystems and humans? |
![]() Substances we take in through food and water or through the air we breathe may influence our health. | ![]() What is the state of scientific research and knowledge on climate change? |
![]() Some consumer products may entail risks. For example are all tooth filling materials equally safe? Can using an MP3 player threaten my hearing? | ![]() Several diseases, such as AIDS, obesity, cardiovascular disease, and cancer are on the rise. How can they be prevented or their progress slowed down? |
![]() Rising fuel prices and concerns about climate change and oil dependence have brought energy to the forefront of public debates and policies. What is the future of energy production? | ![]() Our eating habits or our consumption of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs can each have consequences for our health. |
![]() Radioactive materials, ultraviolet radiation, electromagnetic fields from mobile phones, power-lines, and other devices, the whole spectrum is covered. | ![]() New technologies are entering our shopping carts. How do they differ from traditional products? Do they pose potential risk to our health or to the environment? |
![]() What is the current state of our ecosystems, forests and drylands? How is our environment affected by human activities? | ![]() Sustainability is the capacity to meet our needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs. How sustainable are current practices? How sustainable are current practices? |
Biological diversity (Part 3): challenges and objectives for 2050 More...
This is a faithful summary of the leading report produced in 2020 by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD):"
Latest update: 29 July 2021
Biological diversity (Part 2): the results of past & present action plans, objectives, actions and means at the horizon 2030 More...
This is a faithful summary of the leading report produced in 2020 by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD):"
Latest update: 22 July 2021
Biological diversity (Part 1): the context of the Convention and its objectives More...
This is a faithful summary of the leading report produced in 2020 by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD):"
Latest update: 11 June 2021
Reusable tableware consistently outperforms single-use tableware in all the studies and across most environmental impact categories More...
This is a faithful summary of the leading report produced in 2021 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP):"Single-use plastic tableware and its alternatives – Recommendations from Life Cycle Assessments
Latest update: 20 May 2021
Key decisions adopted in 2018 by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity in preparation for a 2050 Biodiversity Vision for the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report published in 2020. More...
This is a faithful summary of the leading report produced in 2018 by the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD):"Report of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological
Diversity on its 14th meeting and its decisions - 2018
Latest update: 5 May 2021
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SynBio uses faster and easier methods for producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). What could be the potential risks of synthetic biology? More...
The answers to these questions are a faithful summary of the scientific opinion produced in 2015 by the Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified
Health Risks (SCENIHR) and the Scientific Committee on Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER):"
Latest update: 15 August 2015