The source document for this Digest states:
Animal carcinogenicity data
Four long-term bioassays have been published in which the potential oncogenicity in experimental animals of eure to ELF magnetic fields was evaluated in over 40 different tissues using standard chronic toxicity testing designs. Three of the studies were conducted in rats (two in both sexes including one with restricted histopathological evaluation, and one in females only) and one in mice (males and females). Three of the four studies (two rat studies and one mouse study) provide no evidence that exposure to ELF magnetic fields causes cancer in any target organ. The fourth found an increased incidence of thyroid C-cell tumours (adenomas plus carcinomas) in male rats exposed to ELF magnetic fields at two intermediate flux densities, which did not demonstrate a dose-response relationship, and a marginal increase at the highest flux density. In the lowest-exposure group, thyroid C-cell carcinomas significantly exceeded control response and were above the historical control range. Thyroid C-cell carcinomas were not seen in male mice, female mice or female rats exposed chronically to ELF magnetic fields in these oncogenicity bioassays.
A long-term oncogenicity bioassay of more limited design that was conducted to identify possible effects of exposure to ELF magnetic fields on the induction of leukaemia and lymphoma or of brain cancer in mice generated negative results.
Two multistage carcinogenesis studies combining exposure to N-methyl-N-nitrosourea with exposure to static or 50-Hz magnetic fields were performed in the same laboratory using an uncharacterized outbred rat strain. The first study demonstrated an increase in mammary tumour incidence with exposure to the fields regardless of exposure to N-methyl-N-nitrosourea. The second study showed no effect at similar exposure levels.
Eleven multistage carcinogenesis studies combining exposure to 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene with exposure to 50- or 60-Hz magnetic fields were performed in three different laboratories. One laboratory performed six 13-week studies and one 27-week study aimed at addressing exposure-response relationships for different magnitudes of exposure to magnetic fields. These studies reported significant increases in mammary tumour incidence at higher exposure levels. A pooled analysis of exposure-response from these studies yielded an average slope significantly different from zero. A second laboratory conducted three studies (two of which were considered inadequate to assess tumour incidence) to replicate these findings at the highest field strengths, but saw no enhancement of mammary tumorigenesis by exposure to ELF magnetic fields in one study, in which the sham control incidence was low enough to detect an increase. In the two other studies, high incidences of mammary tumours in sham controls limited comparisons to possible increases in tumour multiplicity; none were found. The third laboratory studied the impact of intermittent exposure to magnetic fields and saw no changes in tumour incidence or tumour multiplicity in either of two experiments.
Eight studies were performed in five different laboratories on promotion and/or co-promotion of skin tumorigenesis by 50- or 60-Hz magnetic fields using conventional mouse strains. The results of these studies were generally negative. However, a suggestion of accelerated progression to malignancy was observed in one study and a change in tumour multiplicity was observed in another. There was no consistent pattern of response in these studies, which were of effectively equivalent design. One study using a transgenic mouse model demonstrated an acceleration of skin tumorigenesis by ELF magnetic fields.
Three studies have been performed using the enzyme-altered liver foci model in rats or mice to determine tumour promoting and co-promoting effects of 50-Hz magnetic fields (0.5-500 ). No enhancement of liver foci by magnetic field exposure was reported in two studies in rats. In the third study which used ionizing radiation with and without exposure to magnetic fields, the incidence of basophilic liver foci was significantly increased in exposed mice. This finding was not associated with a significant increase in liver cancer incidence.
Multistage studies have been carried out in both mice (conventional and transgenic strains) and rats to evaluate the effects of ELF magnetic fields on the development of leukaemia and lymphoma. In no study did exposure to ELF magnetic fields cause an increased incidence of leukaemia or lymphoma.
One study was performed to identify possible promoting effects of ELF magnetic field exposure on the induction of neurogenic tumours. The results of this study showed no enhancement of neurogenic tumour induction.
Source & ©: IARC Monograph Volume 80, "
Part 1 Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF)
Electric and Magnetic Fields,
Chap. 5 Summary of Data
Reported and Evaluation, section 5.3
The source document for this Digest states:
Human carcinogenicity data
Effects in children
Since the first report suggesting an association between residential ELF electric and magnetic fields and childhood leukaemia was published in 1979, dozens of increasingly sophisticated studies have examined this association. In addition, there have been numerous comprehensive reviews, meta-analyses, and two recent pooled analyses. In one pooled analysis based on nine well conducted studies, no excess risk was seen for exposure to ELF magnetic fields below 0.4 µT and a twofold excess risk was seen for exposure above 0.4 µT. The other pooled analysis included 15 studies based on less restrictive inclusion criteria and used 0.3 µT as the highest cut-point. A relative risk of 1.7 for exposure above 0.3 µT was reported. The two studies are closely consistent. In contrast to these results for ELF magnetic fields, evidence that electric fields are associated with childhood leukaemia is inadequate for evaluation.No consistent relationship has been seen in studies of childhood brain tumours or cancers at other sites and residential ELF electric and magnetic fields. However, these studies have generally been smaller and of lower quality.
The association between childhood leukaemia and high levels of magnetic fields is unlikely to be due to chance, but it may be affected by bias. In particular, selection bias may account for part of the association. Case-control studies which relied on in-home measurements are especially vulnerable to this bias, because of the low response rates in many studies. Studies conducted in the Nordic countries which relied on historical calculated magnetic fields are not subject to selection bias, but suffer from very low numbers of exposed subjects. There have been dramatic improvements in the assessment of exposure to electric and magnetic fields over time, yet all of the studies are subject to misclassification. Non-differential misclassification of exposure (similar degrees of misclassification in cases and controls) is likely to result in bias towards the null. Bias due to unknown confounding factors is very unlikely to explain the entire observed effect. However, some bias due to confounding is quite possible, which could operate in either direction. It cannot be excluded that a combination of selection bias, some degree of confounding and chance could explain the results. If the observed relationship were causal, the exposure-associated risk could also be greater than what is reported.
Numerous studies of the relationship between electrical appliance use and various childhood cancers have been published. In general, these studies provide no discernable pattern of increased risks associated with increased duration and frequency of use of appliances. Since many of the studies collected information from interviews that took place many years after the time period of etiological interest, recall bias is likely to be a major problem.
Studies on parental occupational exposure to ELF electric and magnetic fields in the preconceptional period or during gestation are methodologically weak and the results are not consistent.
Source & ©: IARC Monograph Volume 80, "
Part 1 Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF)
Electric and Magnetic Fields,
Chap. 5 Summary of Data
Reported and Evaluation, section 5.2
The source document for this Digest states:
Effects in adults
Residential exposure
While a number of studies are available, reliable data on adult cancer and residential exposure to ELF electric and magnetic fields, including the use of appliances, are sparse and methodologically limited. None of the studies reported so far has included long-term or personal measurements. Although there have been a considerable number of reports, a consistent association between residential exposure and adult leukaemia and brain cancer has not been established. For breast cancer and other cancers, the existing data are not adequate to test for an association with exposure to electric or magnetic fields.Occupational exposure
Studies conducted in the 1980s and early 1990s pointed to a possible increased risk of leukaemia, brain tumours and male breast cancer in jobs with presumed exposure to ELF electric and magnetic fields above average levels. The interpretation of these studies was difficult mainly due to methodological limitations and lack of appropriate exposure measurements. Also, a bias towards publication of positive findings could not be excluded.Several large studies conducted in the 1990s of both leukaemia and brain cancer made use of improved methods for individual assessment of occupational exposure to magnetic fields, and to potential occupational confounders, mainly through the combined use of systematic workplace measurements, individual job history descriptions, and the development of associated job–exposure matrices. However, because the exposure within occupational groups is highly variable, job–exposure matrices do not eliminate all uncertainties regarding the workers’ exposure levels. Some of these studies reported increased cancer risk for intermediate or high magnetic field exposure categories. There was no consistent finding across studies of an exposure–response relationship and no consistency in the association with specific sub-types of leukaemia or brain tumours. Evidence for cancers at other sites was not adequate for evaluation. Although the assessment of exposure to electric fields is difficult, these fields have been measured occasionally in populations of workers using individual exposure meters. Across the studies, no consistent association of electric field strengths with any particular malignancy was noted.
Source & ©: IARC Monograph Volume 80, "
Part 1 Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF)
Electric and Magnetic Fields,
Chap. 5 Summary of Data
Reported and Evaluation, section 5.2
The source document for this Digest states:
There is limited evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields in relation to childhood leukaemia.
There is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields in relation to all other cancers.
There is inadequate evidence in humans for the carcinogenicity of static electric or magnetic fields and extremely low-frequency electric fields.
There is inadequate evidence in experimental animals for the carcinogenicity of extremely low-frequency magnetic fields.
No data relevant to the carcinogenicity of static electric or magnetic fields and extremely low-frequency electric fields in experimental animals were available.
Overall evaluation
Extremely low-frequency magnetic fields are possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B). Static electric and magnetic fields and extremely low-frequency electric fields are not classifiable as to their carcinogenicity to humans (Group 3).
Source & ©: IARC Monograph Volume 80, "
Part 1 Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF)
Electric and Magnetic Fields,
Chap. 5 Summary of Data
Reported and Evaluation, section 5.5