The source document for this Digest states:
Static electric and magnetic fields arise from both natural and man-made sources, whereas electric and magnetic fields in the extremely low-frequency (ELF) range (3-3000 Hz) are mostly associated with man-made sources. These are numerous and include electric power systems, electric and electronic appliances and industrial devices. Environmental levels of ELF fields are very low. Exposure levels for the general population are typically 5-50 V/m for electric fields and 0.01-0.2 µT for magnetic fields. Considerably higher exposure occurs for shorter durations and in some occupational settings.
It should be noted that the earth's magnetic field (25-65 µT, from equator to poles) is a static field to which everyone is exposed.
Measurements of electric and magnetic fields are used to characterize sources and levels of exposure to humans. The capabilities of instruments to measure such fields have advanced in recent years, particularly for magnetic fields. In addition to simple, easy-to-use hand-held survey instruments, there are now portable personal exposure meters capable of recording and describing the statistical, threshold, frequency and waveform characteristics of magnetic field exposure. The limiting factor in exposure assessment is not instrumentation but the lack of a consensus as to what exposure characteristics should be measured that are biologically relevant.
Computational methods are available to calculate fields and their parameters for instrument calibration, laboratory exposure systems and certain categories of indoor and outdoor sources. The difficulties in the use of computation methods to characterize exposure to magnetic fields include the lack of complete knowledge as to the magnitude, direction and location of all relevant current flows on conductors. Such difficulties pose special challenges to the use of calculations of ELF magnetic fields to estimate historical exposure from power lines. Where computational methods are used to calculate human exposure in epidemiological studies, it is desirable to understand the overall uncertainty in the calculated values.
Source & ©: IARC Monograph Volume 80, "
Part 1 Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF)
Electric and Magnetic Fields,
Chap. 5 Summary of Data
Reported and Evaluation, section 5.1
The source document for this Digest states:
In order to understand the effects of electric and magnetic fields on animals and humans, their electrical properties have to be considered. Static magnetic fields, which are not attenuated by the organism, can exert forces on moving charges, orient magnetic structures and affect the energy levels of some molecules. Static and ELF electric fields are greatly attenuated inside the body.
Exposure to ELF electric and magnetic fields results in induction of electric fields and associated current in tissues. The magnitudes and spatial patterns of these fields depend on whether the external field is electric or magnetic, its characteristics (e.g. frequency, magnitude, orientation and waveform) and the size, shape and electrical properties of the exposed body. This is a basic physical mechanism for interaction of ELF magnetic fields with tissues. The induced electric field increases with the frequency of the external field and the size of the object. A well-established effect of induced fields above a threshold level is the stimulation of excitable cells. Typical residential exposure results in very small induced electric fields, while some occupational exposure and exposure directly under very high-voltage power lines may result in electric fields of the order of 1 mV/m in some tissues. Non-perceptible contact currents under some conditions are calculated to produce electric fields exceeding 1 mV/m in the bone marrow of a child. Residential levels of ELF electric and magnetic fields produce much lower fields in tissues.
Beyond this well-established interaction mechanism, a number of hypotheses have been advanced: radical pair mechanisms, ion charge-to-mass resonance mechanisms, stochastic resonance, action on biogenic magnetite, etc. Theoretical and experimental evidence for the relevance of these mechanisms is being sought actively.
There are well established in-vivo and in-vitro exposure systems that can provide electric fields of up to the order of 150 kV/m and ELF magnetic fields up to 2 mT. Magnetostatic fields up to 5.0 T can be produced in the laboratory.
Source & ©: IARC Monograph Volume 80, "
Part 1 Static and Extremely Low-Frequency (ELF)
Electric and Magnetic Fields,
Chap. 5 Summary of Data
Reported and Evaluation, section 5.1