
Table 1. Prevalence of smoking among adults and youths in selected countries

Country Annual per capita consumption of cigarettes Prevalence of smoking (%)
Adults Youths
Males Females Males Females
Argentina 1495 46.8 34.4 25.7 30
Bolivia 274 42.7 18.1 31 22
Chile 1202 26 18.3 34 43.4
China 1791 66.9 4.2 14 7
Ghana 161 28.4 3.5 16.2 17.3
Indonesia 1742 59 3.7 38 5.3
Jordan 1832 48 10 27 13.4
Kenya 200 66.8 31.9 16 10
Malawi 123 20 9 18 15
Mexico 754 51.2 18.4 27.9 16
Nepal 619 48 29 12 6
Peru 1849 41.5 15.7 22 15
Poland 2061 44 25 29 20
Singapore 1230 26.9 3.1 10.5 7.5
Sri Lanka 374 25.7 1.7 13.7 5.8
USA 2255 25.7 21.5 27.5 24.2

Source: WHO  Neuroscience of Psychoactive Substance Use and Dependence, Summary (2004),
Global use of psychoactive substances and burden to health, p.8

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Other Figures & Tables on this publication:

Table 1. Prevalence of smoking among adults and youths in selected countries

Table 3. Percentage of total global mortality and DALYs attributable to tobacco, alcohol and illicit substances

Depressants – overview of effects

Table 5. Pharmacological treatments for substance dependence

Table 2. Annual prevalence estimates of global illicit substance use, 2000-2001Table 2. Annual prevalence estimates of global illicit substance use, 2000-2001

Figure 3. A terminal button and synapse

Figure 4. Two types of chemical synapses

Table 4. Summary of psychoactive substance effectsTable 4. Summary of psychoactive substance effects

Figure 5. Mesolimbic dopamine pathway

Box 3. Risk and protective factors for substance use

Figure 1. Adult (15+) Per Capita Alcohol Consumption by Development Status

Figure 2. Mechanisms relating psychoactive substance use to health and social problems

Box 4: Types of psychotherapies and behavioural interventions

Box 1: Injecting substance use and HIV/AIDS

Box 2: Criteria for substance use dependence in ICD-10