
Fig.5.4. Steps from malaria control to elimination

Steps from malaria control to elimination

SPR: slide or rapid diagnostic test positivity rate. A country moves from the control to the pre-elimination step when diagnostic tests show that less than 5% of suspected malaria cases are actually malaria.

Source: WHO, World Malaria Report (2008) ,
Chapter 5: Impact of malaria control, p.31.

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Other Figures & Tables on this publication:

Fig.3.1 Malaria-free countries and malaria-endemic countries in phases of control, pre-elimination, elimination and prevention of reintroduction (end 2007).

Fig.3.2. Number of people estimated to be at low and high risk of malaria, by WHO Region, 2006

Fig.3.5. Nineteen countries estimated to have 90% of cases in the African Region, 2006*

Fig.3.6 Ten countries estimated to have 90% of cases in regions other than Africa, 2006*

Fig.3.9 Eighteen countries estimated to have 90% of malaria deaths in the African Region, 2006

Fig.3.10 Seven countries estimated to have 90% of malaria deaths in regions other than Africa, 2006

Fig.4.6 Nineteen African countries with Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITN) sufficient to cover >20% of the population at risk in 2006-2007 (data from the National Monitoring Control Programmes (NMCP))

Fig.4.7 Nine countries in the Americas, South-East Asia and Western Pacific with Insecticide-Treated Nets (ITN) sufficient to cover > 10% of the population at risk in 2006-2007 data from the National Monitoring Control Programmes (NMCP))

Fig.4.8 Household surveys of :  (a) Insecticide-Treated Net ownership,  (b) use by children < 5 years and (c) pregnant women, Africa, 2006–2007

Fig.4.10 Countries in: (a) the African and (b) other regions where > 5% of the population at risk was protected by Indoor Residual Spraying (IRS) in 2006*

Fig.5.4. Steps from malaria control to elimination

Estimates of populations at low and high risk of malaria by WHO Region, 2006

Table 4.1 Number of countries having adopted WHO-recommended policies and strategies for malaria control, by WHO Region

Fig. 4.14 Availability of antimalarial drugs to children with fever

Fig. 4.15 Pregnant women who used preventive treatments

Campaign to promote the use of mosquito nets.