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Genetically Modified Crops


About this Digest on Genetically Modified Crops

  1. Source for this Digest
  2. Current Status
  3. Digest Publication History

1. Source for this Digest

The GreenFacts digest on GMOs is an excellent summary of the scientific evidence reported in The State of Food and Agriculture 2003-04 . We at FAO are very pleased with our collaboration with GreenFacts and feel confident that their initiative will make a valuable contribution to the public debate on this controversial subject. Congratulations GreenFacts on a job well done.
Terri Raney, Senior Economist and Editor of "The State of Food and Agriculture" at the FAO's Agricultural and Development Economics Division.

The material content of the texts on Level 3 is directly sourced from the chapters 2 (What is agricultural biotechnology? ) and 5 (Health and environmental impacts of transgenic crops ) of The State of Food and Agriculture 2003-2004; Agricultural Biotechnology  of the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization), a leading scientific report produced in 2004 by a large international panel of scientists.

The Levels 1 & 2 were written by the GreenFacts editorial team.

GreenFacts Copyright Policy

2. Current Status

Approved for publication by the GreenFacts Scientific Board.

3. Digest Publication History

The GreenFacts publication process is designed to ensure as high a degree of objectivity as possible.

First draft

The first draft of this Digest was produced by the GreenFacts Editorial Team in April 2005.

Preliminary and Peer review

The second draft of this Digest was produced in June 2005 by the GreenFacts Editorial Team after pre-review by experts from enviromental prganizations (see our  pre review form) and peer review by 3 independent scientists selected by the GreenFacts Scientific Board (see our  peer review form). Final corrections were added under the supervision of the GreenFacts Scientific Board in November 2005.


Final publication was authorized by the President of the GreenFacts Scientific Board on November 15th, 2005.

Press Release

7 Dec. 2005:
Genetically Modified Crops explained.

Updates or subsequent post-publication revisions

No update or revision at present.

GreenFacts Copyright Policy

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