Box 2.1 FRA 2005 thematic study on planted forests
This study complements FRA 2005 with more detailed data, information and analysis on planted forests around the globe. its aims are to: provide inputs into a global outlook on the future supply of forest products and services from planted forests; better understand the role of planted forests in the mosaic of land uses in the broader landscape; and offer factual inputs into the ongoing process of deriving a planted forest code.
A survey is being undertaken of countries reporting high proportions of seminatural forests and large areas of forest plantations. As a first step, the survey requested countries to differentiate the planted forest component of semi-natural forests and forest plantations, collectively known as the planted forest subset.
Management and ownership of planted forests have changed over the period 1990–2005. Consequently, countries were asked to report their management designation for primarily productive or primarily protective purposes, as well as ownership, for the reporting periods 1990, 2000 and 2005. Planted forests managed primarily for productive purposes supply wood, fibre, fuelwood and NWFPs for industrial purposes, but can also provide social, cultural and environmental services. Planted forests managed primarily for protective purposes protect soil and water, rehabilitate degraded lands and conserve biological diversity and carbon sinks, but can also include minor harvesting of forest products. Management parameters reported include the top ten species, growth rates, rotation lengths and age and class distributions for both productive and protective designations, as well as harvest yields for planted forests managed for productive purposes. Ownership is reported as state, private-sector corporate, smallholder or ‘other’.
Countries were also asked to report on the main forest products, including sawlogs, pulpwood and fibre, industrial bioenergy, NWFPs and ‘unspecified’. in addition, data were solicited on the services offered by planted forests, including the environment, recreation, non-industrial fuelwood and ‘unspecified’.
Data collection was carried out by FRA 2005 national correspondents, with the participation of in-country specialists in planted forests. At the time of writing, analysis was being completed for release of the study during 2006. A Web-based knowledge reference centre will be established, offering data, information and reference materials on planted forests and related topics (reproductive materials, forest health, invasive species, etc.) for wide access by stakeholders. The materials will also be provided in hard copy and compact disc for those without access to the internet.
When available, the information will be posted on the FAO planted forest Web portal: .
Source & © FAO Global Forest Resources Assessment 2005, Progress towards sustainable forest management,
Chapter 2: Extent of forest resources, p.24
Related publication:
Other Figures & Tables on this publication:
Table 1.1: FRA 2005 reporting tables
Table 1.2: Indicative linkages among reporting tables and thematic elements of sustainable forest management
Table 1.3: Key statistics for regions and subregions used in FRA 2005
Table 2.1: Distribution of forests by subregion
Table 2.3: Forest cover by subregion 2005
Table 2.8: Carbon stock per hectare 2005
Table 2.10: Trends in carbon stocks in forest biomass 1990–2005
Table 3.3: Area of forest designated primarily for conservation of biodiversity 2005
Table 4.1: Average area of forest annually affected by fire 1998–2002
Table 4.3: Average area of forest annually affected by insects 1998–2002
Table 4.4: Average area of forest annually affected by diseases 1998–2002
Table 4.7: Average area of forest annually affected by other disturbances 1998–2002
Table 5.1: Area of forest designated primarily for production 2005
Table 5.7: Forest area and growing stock 2005
Table 5.13: Removals of four categories of Non-Wood Forest Products 2005 (tonnes)
Table 6.2: Area of forest designated primarily for protection 2005
Table 5.8: Commercial growing stock 2005
Table 6.3 Total area of forest designated for protection 2005
Table 7.2: Value of wood removals 2005
Table 7.4: Value of Non-Wood Forest Products removals 2005
Table 7.6: Number of people employed in forestry in 2000
Table 7.8: Ownership of forest area 2000
Table 8.2: Trends towards sustainable forest management at the global level
Table 8.3 Trends towards sustainable forest management in Africa
Table 8.4: Trends towards sustainable forest management in Asia
Table 8.5: Trends towards sustainable forest management in Europe
Table 8.6: Trends towards sustainable forest management in North and Central America
Table 8.7: Trends towards sustainable forest management in Oceania
Table 8.8: Trends towards sustainable forest management in South America
Table 8.9: Trends towards sustainable forest management by subregion
Table 5.10: Trends in commercial growing stock 1990–2005
Figure 1.1: Regional and Subregional breakdown used in FRA 2005
Figure 2.2: The world’s forests
Figure 2.3: Ten countries with largest forest ares 2005 (million ha)
Figure 2.5: Forest Change Dynamics
Figure 2.9: Forest characteristics 2005 (%)
Figure 2.12: Total Carbon Stock (C) in forests by region 2005
Figure 3.3: Ten countries with the largest area of primary forest 2005 (%)
Figure 3.11: Number of native forest tree species
Figure 3.13: Average number of threatened tree species by region
Figure 5.5: Ten countries with largest area of productive forest plantations 2005 (%)
Figure 5.8: Five countries with greatest total growing stock 2005 (%)
Figure 5.10: Five countries with largest volume of wood removal 2005 (%)
Figure 6.1: Information availability – protective functions of forest resources
Figure 7.7: Ownership of forests by subregion 2000
Figure 8.1: Designated functions of forests globally 2005 (%)
Figure 8.2 Distribution of subregional trends
Forest cover by subregion 2005 and distribution
Box 1.1 Thematic elements of sustainable forest management
Box 2.1 FRA 2005 thematic study on planted forests
Box 2.2 FRA 2005 thematic study on mangroves
Box 2.3 FRA 2005 thematic study on bamboo
Box 4.1 FRA 2005 thematic study on forest fires
Box 4.2 FRA 2005 thematic study on forest pests
Box 6.1 FRA 2005 thematic study on forests and water
Box 7.1 FRA 2005 thematic study on forest ownership and resource tenure