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Diet and Nutrition Prevention of Chronic Diseases


Level 2 - Details on Diet and Nutrition

  • 1. To what extent does diet play a role in chronic diseases?
    • 1.1 How does diet influence the global burden of chronic disease?
    • 1.2 What are the nutrition problems in the developing world?
  • 2. How are diets changing?
    • 2.1 How many (kilo)calories are consumed every day?
    • 2.2 How much fat is consumed?
    • 2.3 How much animal products are consumed?
    • 2.4 How much fish is consumed?
    • 2.5 How much fruits and vegetables are consumed?
    • 2.6 What future changes in food consumption are expected?
    • 2.7 Conclusions on food consumption
  • 3. How are chronic diseases linked to diet and nutrition?
    • 3.1 How does diet affect health at different stages of life?
    • 3.2 What are the combined effects of different risk factors over time?
    • 3.3 How can genes and food interact?
    • 3.4 How can chronic disease be tackled throughout life?
  • 4. Are certain dietary intakes recommended to prevent chronic diseases?
    • 4.1 What are "population nutrient intake goals"?
    • 4.2 How strong is scientific evidence?
    • 4.3 What nutrient intakes are generally recommended for a balanced diet?
    • 4.4 What level of physical activity is recommended for good health?
  • 5. Excess weight gain and obesity
    • 5.1 Is obesity a growing problem?
    • 5.2 How can diet and physical activity affect obesity?
    • 5.3 What factors are known to affect obesity?
    • 5.4 How could obesity be prevented?
  • 6. Diabetes
    • 6.1 Is diabetes a growing problem?
    • 6.2 How can diet and physical activity affect diabetes?
    • 6.3 What factors are known to affect diabetes?
    • 6.4 How could diabetes be prevented?
  • 7. Cardiovascular diseases
    • 7.1 Are cardiovascular diseases a growing problem?
    • 7.2 How can diet and physical activity affect cardiovascular diseases?
    • 7.3 What nutrients are known to affect cardiovascular diseases?
    • 7.4 What food items are known to affect cardiovascular diseases?
    • 7.5 How could cardiovascular diseases be prevented?
  • 8. Cancer
    • 8.1 Is cancer a growing problem?
    • 8.2 How can diet and physical activity affect the occurrence of cancer?
    • 8.3 What cancers are predominant in developing countries?
    • 8.4 What cancers are predominant in developed countries?
    • 8.5 How could cancer be prevented?
  • 9. Dental diseases
    • 9.1 Are dental diseases a growing problem?
    • 9.2 How can diet affect dental diseases?
    • 9.3 Dietary sugars and dental caries
    • 9.4 Dietary factors which protect against dental caries
    • 9.5 How could dental diseases be prevented?
  • 10. Osteoporosis
    • 10.1 Is osteoporosis a growing problem?
    • 10.2 How can diet and physical activity and other factors affect osteoporosis?
    • 10.3 How could osteoporosis be prevented?
  • 11. Conclusion (only in level 1)
  • 12. Other views and links (only in level 1)

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