
Table 3.1. Contribution from different life-cycle stages

Source Emission contribution Uncertainty in estimate Emission type
production of DEHP ≈2.5% low point sources
industrial uses ≈2.5% medium point sources
end-product uses ≈32% medium wide dispersive (and point sources)
waste handling* ≈63% high wide dispersive (and point sources)
* Car shredding, Incineration, Land fills and Waste remaining in the environment

Source: ECB,
 "Bis-(2-Ethylhexyl) Phthalate, DEHP), Summary Risk Assessment report" , 2008. p.6.

Related publication:
DEHP homeDiethylhexyl phthalate
Other Figures & Tables on this publication:

Table 1.1. Summary of physico-chemical properties

Table 3.1. Contribution from different life-cycle stages

Table 3.2. PEC surface water and sediment

Table 3.3. PEC agricultural soil

Table 3.4. PECoral in aquatic and terrestrial biota

Table 4.1. Occupational exposure

Consumption of plasticisers in Europe in 2008