"The University of California, San Francisco is the smallest — in size and number of students — of the 10 UC campuses. But its relative size belies its distinction as one of the leading biomedical research and health science education centers in the world."
"The San Francisco campus of the University of California is dedicated to learning and teaching in the health sciences. As a graduate and professional school campus, UCSF serves society through four primary missions: teaching, research, patient care, and public service."
"The Mission of UCSF is to attract and educate the nation's most promising students to future careers in the health sciences and health care professions, with continuing emphasis on open access and diversity; to bring our patients the best in health care service, from primary care to the most advanced technologies available; to encourage and support research and scholarly activities to improve our basic understanding of the mechanisms of disease and the social interactions related to human health; and to serve the community at large through educational and service programs that take advantage of the knowledge and skills of UCSF faculty, staff and students."
Source: UCSF website