Similar term(s): calamari.
Soft-bodied saltwater mollusk with two long tentacles for catching food, eight or more shorter arms, and a streamlined body adapted for swimming quickly through open water.
Squids are cephalopods. They are related to octopuses and cuttlefishes. They may emit a cloud of inky material from their ink sac when in danger.
Squid is a popular seafood meal, especially in East Asia and in the Mediterranean area.
Examples of squid varieties include short-finned or Illex squid and long-finned or Loligo squid.
Source: GreenFacts
Source: Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council
Cephalopods - Fishery - Mollusk
Deutsch: Kalmar
Español: Calamar
Français: Calmar
Nederlands: Pijlinktvis