Similar term(s): SARS, atypical pneumonia.
A newly identified acute respiratory syndrome caused by a new virus, the SARS coronavirus, which is believed to recently have crossed the species barrier from animals to humans.
Signs and symptoms are similar to flu at the outset but progress to pneumonia-like symptoms. Whilst most infected patients have recovered, the lack of specific treatment options has resulted in mortalities.
When SARS spreads, it is mostly through breathing in droplets transported through the air when someone with SARS coughs or sneezes.
Source: GreenFacts
The first known cases of SARS occured in China in November 2002 and then the epidemic spread to many other countries. In July 2003, the last human chain of SARS transmission was broken.
Source: GreenFacts
GreenFacts Summary on Ecosystem Change:
Deutsch: Schweres akutes Atemwegssyndrom
Español: Síndrome respiratorio agudo severo
Français: Syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère