In vitro selection is used to screen large numbers of plants or cells for a certain characteristic, for example, salt tolerance [before growing them in the field or in glasshouses].
Source: Ifgene
Plants, tissue or isolated cells can be cultured on substrate. If a breeder wants to select plants for tolerance to a certain substance, that substance (for example, salt) is added to the substrate.
The breeder then simply waits to see which plants or cells continue to grow well. The plants that pass this test can then be propagated in vitro. When they have grown roots and are hardened off, they are ready to be moved to the glasshouse or open field, where subsequent selection takes place.
Source: Ifgene
Español: Selección in vitro (en el mejoramiento de plantas)
Français: Sélection in vitro (dans l'amélioration des plantes)