Similar term(s): endocrine disrupting chemicals, EDCs.
A natural or man-made chemical that can interfere with endocrine glands and their hormones or where the hormones act - the target tissues.
Source: GreenFacts
Endocrine disruption is not, in itself, a measure of toxicity – the occurrence of adverse health effects. Rather, it is considered to be a change that may lead to harmful effects. For example, a potential endocrine disruptor (pED) is a foreign substance or mixture that possesses properties that might be expected to lead to endocrine changes in an individual life form, in its offspring, or in populations.
Source: GreenFacts
Adrenal gland(s) - Hormone(s) - Pituitary gland - Thyroid gland
GreenFacts Summary on Endocrine Disruptors
Deutsch: Endokrine Disruptoren
Español: Alterador(es) Endocrino(s)
Français: Perturbateur(s) endocrinien(s)