Similar term(s): chlorine cyanide, chlorocyanide chlorocyanogen, CK, chlorcyan, chlorocyan.
ClCN. Cyanogen chloride is an inorganic compound. It is a gas with a pungent pepper odor.
Cyanogen Chloride is formed as a water disinfectant byproduct when chlorine is used to oxidize water impurities such as cyanide. Once in the body, it is metabolized to cyanide.
Source: GreenFacts
In the past, cyanogen chloride has been used as a chemical weapon (because it is a blood agent and it can stop the normal utilization of oxygen in the body) and as a pesticide. Cyanogen chloride is still found in some workplaces where it is manufactured.
For more information on cyanide:
For more information on cyanogen chloride:
Chloramination - Chloramine(s) - Chlorine - Water disinfection by-product(s)