Similar term(s): chlorite ion, chlorite compound.
(ClO-) Chlorite is an inorganic anion; it is colorless, odorless, tasteless, and dissolves easily in water. Chlorite is fairly stable unless it comes in contact with other chemicals such as free chlorine.
In water treatment, chlorite is one of the chemicals involved in the process of generating chlorine dioxide. Chlorite is also the byproduct of disinfection with chlorine dioxide, with about 70% of the chlorine dioxide converted to chlorite and about 30% converted to chlorate (ClO3-) and chloride (Cl-). Though chlorine dioxide is consider to be a powerful disinfectant, chlorite is a weak bactericidal agent.
Another source of chlorite in the environment is the bleaching of wood pulp by paper mills.
Source: GreenFacts
Chlorate - Chlorine - Chlorine dioxide - Disinfectant(s) - Water disinfection by-product(s)
Español: Clorito
Français: Chlorite