Accueil » DEHP » Niveau 2 » Question 2

Diéthylhexyl Phthalate

2. How is DEHP used?

    In 1994 an estimated one to four million tonnes of DEHP was produced globally Production volumes in the European Union have decreased, from 595 000 tonnes in 1997 to 221 000 tonnes in 2004. Over 95% of DEHP in the European Union is used as a plasticiser in polymers, mainly PVC. Flexible PVC containing DEHP has many uses including toys, flooring, cables, profiles, roofing, and in medical products such as blood bags and dialysis equipment.

    DEHP is also used in polymers other than PVC, and in non-polymer products such as sealants, adhesives, paints, lacquers, printing inks and ceramics. It is estimated that around 800 plants in Europe use DEHP or preparations containing DEHP. More...

    Editor's note: The plasticizer market has evolved significantly in the last few years since the publication of the source document. Non-phthalate have taken a growing part of the market. In 2011 they represented 22% of the European plasticizer market, and are projected to increase to 30% by 2020. Long-chain phthalates such as DIDP and DINP have been growingly replacing shorter-chain phthalates such DEHP on the European market, where DEHP accounted for 37% of the market in 2001, and was down to 13% by 2010. Source: European Council for Plasticisers and Intermediates (ECPI)

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