Home » Transgenic salmon » Level 2 » Question 9

Safety of a transgenic or genetically modified salmon : the AquAdvantage salmon


    For the scenario where production of AquAdvantage Salmon at locations outside theUnited States, says the FDA draft report, an assessment of potential effects on the environment becomes highly uncertain. Because production of AquAdvantage Salmon would be possible at any number of locations worldwide, under different containment conditions, and potentially within areas where native Atlantic salmon are present, there are too many variables and unknowns to perform a comprehensive assessment and make any predictions with respect to potential environmental impacts on the United States. To the extent that production would occur with less restrictive containment conditions than those proposed (e.g., fish might not be triploid, might not be reared in land-based facilities, or might not be subjected to multiple and redundant forms of physical containment), it is expected that adverse environmental impacts to the United States might be more likely to occur than under the conditions of production and grow-out for the proposed action.

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