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GreenFacts.org Disclaimer

GreenFacts takes every possible step to ensure that its publications are as unbiased as possible. They are faithful summaries of widely recognized scientific consensus publications previously released by recognized international scientific organizations. GreenFacts summaries are produced following a rigorous publication procedure under the control of GreenFacts' Scientific Board.

The contents of the GreenFacts Digests can not be modified after final publication without the formal approval of GreenFacts' Scientific Board.

GreenFacts is an independent, non-advocacy, multi-stakeholder non-profit organization, dedicated to providing non-specialists with unbiased scientific information on environment and health matters.
It can not express any positions other than the scientific views expressed in the consensus publications it summarizes. Therefore, GreenFacts asbl, its staff and members can not be held liable for damages resulting from the use of its publications.

If you feel that there is information on this site which may be factually inaccurate, please contact the GreenFacts staff.

GreenFacts asbl cannot be held liable for any unauthorized use of the GreenFacts Digests, name and images by third parties.

See also GreenFacts' Copyright Policy

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