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GreenFacts Copyright Policy

General Copyright Policy

GreenFacts websites are copyrighted
© GreenFacts ASBL/VZW 2001–2005.

This copyright includes GreenFacts' proprietary Three-Level Structure. More...

GreenFacts® is a registered trademark of GreenFacts ASBL/VZW.

GreenFacts.org Website and Digests
  • Souce Documents: Level 3
    The Level 3 source documents are not authored by GreenFacts. All texts in between quotes ("") and all figures on Level-3 are subject to the copyright policy of the issuing institution (e.g. WHO, IPCC, EU, UNEP, IARC). The particular copyright laws of these external sources apply on all parts of the study concerned . Any limited authorization granted to GreenFacts to publish these external sources is not transferable to third parties. Within each study, please consult the 'About this Study' page and 'More on the Source and Copyright' to determine specific copyright conditions.
  • GreenFacts' Summaries: Levels 1 & 2
    Levels 1 and 2 summaries and texts written and produced internally by GreenFacts are copyright of GreenFacts. Except for extracts clearly citing the source and URL (see below), only GreenFacts Members and Partners are allowed to reproduce them under some conditions (see below).
  • Javascript applications:
    Please see the conditions in the script.
  • GreenFacts' Three-Level Structure:
    Reproduction in reserved to selected partners. More...
Free access for all
  • Viewing GreenFacts Digests posted on www.greenfacts.org;
  • Linking to any page of our websites - see our "Banners & Links Generator";
  • The "Question Box Generator", a webmaster tool to put on your website an attractive box containing the questions of a GreenFacts Digest with links to their answer on GreenFacts.org;
  • The "News Box Generator", a webmaster tool to put on your website a "syndication box" with links to our most recent studies, customized to your taste. It is automatically updated when new GreenFacts Digests are released.
  • Copying or reproducing parts of GreenFacts' Levels 1 & 2, at the conditions stated below.
Reserved to Members & Partners

GreenFacts Members and Partners may copy or reproduce free of charge:

  • on their website: the Level 1 of GreenFacts' publications with links to the Level 2, as provided by the "Summary Page Generator",
  • on their paper publications: both the levels 1 and 2,

at the following conditions:

Conditions for reproduction
  1. The copyright (© GreenFacts) must be made clearly visible, along with the URL of the publication.
  2. Web publications must contain a link to the GreenFacts page of origin. The links to the next Level on GreenFacts website must not be removed.
  3. Using extracts of GreenFacts internal publications or copying parts of them is only allowed if it does not modify the general meaning. Cutting paragraphs or sentences is prohibited without prior consent of our editor.
    Contact the Publication Manager.
  4. GreenFacts must be fully informed of any reproduction of its publications.
    Send an e-mail to GreenFacts.
  5. For paper publications, please send us a copy.
    For Internet publications, please e-mail us the URL to your web pages where our publications are reproduced.
  6. Preliminary drafts and other publications not yet officially released are published for review purposes only and may NOT to be reproduced or copied.

The Level 1 of our publications can easily be copied onto another website by using the "Summary Page Generator".

See also the GreenFacts Disclaimer.

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