© Millennium Assessment
From biomass to energy consumption
Biotechnology & modern biotechnology defined
Major genetically modified crops production countries, 2006
Agricultural land under genetically modified and conventional crops (1996-2000)
Multiple stressors in small-scale agriculture
Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and land use
Projected impact of climate change
Infectious animal diseases: legislation & burden
Global soil degradation
Agricultural water withdrawals
Changes in available water in Africa
Global cereal & meat production and fertilizer use (1960 - 2000)
A wheat field
Biotechnologies are already widely used in agriculture
A multifunctional perspective of agriculture
50 million climate refugees by 2010
Top 10 global food retailers
Public and private agricultural R&D spending by region, 2000
Monsanto Corpopration global vegetable seed market share
The Andean Cosmovision
Trends in real commodity prices
Local market in Pisar, Peru
Developing country agricultural exports
Cost of coffee from farm gate in Uganda to coffee shop in UK
Market Concentration
Price changes of selected retail foodstuffs between 1980 and 2000
Percentage of retail value paid to primary producer
Counting women's labor
Women quantify lack of control over work resources
Women in agriculture in selected African countries
Counting female-headed households
Natural resources need to be used sustainably
Agricultural sustainability means maintaining productivity while protecting the natural resource base