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Scientific Facts on
Climate Change and Global Warming

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1.1 Has the world warmed?

An increasing number of observations indicates that the world has warmed:

The average surface temperature has increased over the 20th century by about 0.6°C (± 0.2°C).This increase occurred mainly from 1910 to 1945 and 1976 to 2000. The increase is larger at night time and over land area.

It is likely7 that in the Northern Hemisphere, over the past 1000 years:

Temperatures have risen during the past four decades in the lowest 8 kilometers of the atmosphere.

Snow cover and ice extent have decreased.

The sea level has risen by 10 to 20 cm (4 to 8") during the 20th century.Ocean temperature has increased since the late 1950s.

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1.2 What other climate changes have been observed?

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1.3 What aspects of our climate have NOT changed?


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