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Water availability information for Cameroon

Population: 16 296 000

Precipitation Rate1: 1 600 mm/year

Total Actual Renewable Water Resources (TARWR)

Volume in 2005: 286 km3/year  (286 billion m3/year)

Per Capita in 2000 : 19 192 m3/year

Per Capita in 2005 : 17 520 m3/year

Breakdown of Total Actual Renewable Water Resources

  • Surface water: 94 %
  • Ground water: 35 %
  • Overlap is water shared by both the surface water and groundwater systems: 33 %

Incoming Waters: 4 %

Outgoing Waters2: 14 %

Total Use of Total Actual Renewable Water Resources: 0.30 %

1. Average precipitation (1961–90 from IPCC (mm/year). As in the FAO-AQUASTAT Database, for some countries large discrepancies exist between national and IPCC data on rainfall average. In these cases, IPCC data were modified to ensure consistency with water resources data.

2. Outflow – Sep. 2004 for surface water and Aug. 2005 for groundwater.

View the entire table of 193 countries.

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Other Figures & Tables on this publication:

Table 4.1: Precipitation distribution into surface water and groundwater components (by climate region)

Table 4.2: Selected large aquifer systems with non-renewables groundwater resources

Table 4.3: Water availability information by country (AQUASTAT, FAO 2005)

Table 4.4: Major principal sources and impacts of sedimentation

Table 4.5: Freshwater pollution sources, effects and constituents of concern

Table 4.6: Spatial and time scales within which pollution occurs and can be remediated

Table 4.7: Potential applications for reclaimed water

Figure 4.1: Global distribution of the world’s water

Figure 4.2: Schematic of the hydrologic cycle components in present-day setting

Figure 4.3: Oxygen-18 content of stream water along the main stem of large rivers

Figure 4.4: Variations in continental river runoff through most of the twentieth century (deviations from average values)

Figure 4.5: Typical hydrographs in accordance with climatic settings

Figure 4.6: Acid rain and its deposition processes

Figure 4.7: Five-year mean of the pH level in rainfall in the eastern regions of Canada and the US

Figure 4.8: Primary sources of groundwater pollution

Map 4.1

Map 4.2

Map 4.3: Groundwater abstraction rate as a percentage of mean recharge

Aral Sea