
Links on Health and the Environment

Factual websites for non-specialists

1. FAQ and Q&A websites
2. News sites
3. Sites on science communication and risk management
4. Other factual websites

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Links on topics covered by GreenFacts publications
1. FAQ and Q&A websites

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2. News sites

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3. Sites on science communication and risk management
  • The COM+ alliance is a partnership of international organizations and communications professionals committed to using communications to advance a vision of sustainable development that integrates its three pillars: economic, social and environmental: www.complusalliance.org/ 
  • The Center for Informed Decision Making aims to help readers to make informed decisions about environmental, health and safety issues and defines some important scientific concepts: http://cygnus-group.com/CIDM/ 
  • Communicating risk  - an online learning resource for journalists, public officials and scientists.

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4. Other factual websites

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