Diverse malattie, come l'AIDS, l'obesità, le malattie cardiovascolari e il cancro sono in aumento. Come possono essere prevenute o come si può rallentarne il decorso?
Even with the advances of antiretroviral therapy, AIDS is still a leading cause of death.
What is the current state of the epidemic? More...
Latest update: 1 December 2017
The objective of this OECD Guide is to identify, prevent or mitigate through "due diligence" processes the risks of human rights, but also reputational and legal liability issues for companies related to mineral extraction in high risk of conflict area More...
Latest update: 3 April 2021
In just 25 years, HIV has spread relentlessly to virtually every country in the world, infecting 65 million people and killing 25 million. What has been done since 2001 and what can be done in the future to halt the spread of AIDS? More...
Latest update: 15 November 2006
Antibiotic resistance is a serious public health issue. What are the prospects for the development of new drugs to fight it? More...
Latest update: 3 November 2017
The misuse of antibiotics has led to the emergence of resistant bacteria. What has caused it and how can the spread of resistance be limited? More...
Latest update: 30 September 2014
Antimicrobial resistance both in human and veterinary medicine has reached alarming levels in most parts of the world and has now been recognized as a significant emerging threat to global public health and food security. More...
Latest update: 23 June 2018
Biosecurity is concerned with animal and plant diseases, invasive species, the transmission of diseases from livestock to humans, and the effect that all of these can have of health and the environment. How can it be ensured through an integrated approach? More...
Latest update: 16 December 2019
This is a synthesis which looks at the evolution of cancer rates and its related mortality, as well as at the main types of cancer and the main known causes and prevention means. More...
Latest update: 27 December 2016
Combined estrogen-progestogen pills are used both as oral contraceptives and for hormone therapy in menopausal women.
How is their use linked to cancer risks? More...
Latest update: 7 March 2017
Land is an essential resource for human survival, and yet it is being degraded sometimes to the desert state through unsustainable uses. How can land conservation efforts help to reverse the current worrying trends in the state of our land resources? More...
Latest update: 16 November 2018
The way we eat and live may put us at risk of developing chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, dental disease, and osteoporosis. How can a healthier diet and physical activity help reduce the risk? More...
Latest update: 15 July 2006
Tuberculosis is an infectious disease affecting a growing number of people around the world. Usually treatable, some forms of the disease have emerged that do not respond to drugs, making it very difficult to treat. What are the trends in drug-resistant tuberculosis and what must be done to control it? More...
Latest update: 18 December 2008
With the increase in plane traffic, contagious illnesses spread farther and faster than ever. Some diseases, such as tuberculosis are becoming resistant to antibiotics. Old enemies like polio refuse to go away. Others like smallpox which have been eradicated threaten a devastating comeback if released. These and other threats are explored by the World Health Report – A safer future: global public health security in the 21st century. More...
Latest update: 10 October 2008
What is their economic impact on labour market? More...
Latest update: 25 November 2016
Malaria is one of the most common infectious diseases and a great public health problem worldwide. What is being done to control its spread?
Can malaria be eradicated? More...
Latest update: 21 April 2009
Biological diversity (Part 1): the context of the Convention and its objectives More...
Latest update: 11 June 2021
Biological diversity (Part 2): the results of past & present action plans, objectives, actions and means at the horizon 2030 More...
Latest update: 22 July 2021
Biological diversity (Part 3): challenges and objectives for 2050 More...
Latest update: 29 July 2021
Asthma and allergies are increasing in many European countries. Can genetic and environmental factors affect a child's likelihood to develop such diseases? More...
Latest update: 15 October 2005
Reusable tableware consistently outperforms single-use tableware in all the studies and across most environmental impact categories More...
Latest update: 20 May 2021
Benzodiazepines are a class of pharmaceutical drugs that are widely prescribed for insomnia, anxiety, depression, and a range of other conditions.How should they be used, considering that dependance and tolerance can develop with continued use? More...
Latest update: 26 June 2017
Vaccination saves millions of lives each year. How do they work and is there still progress to be made? More...
Latest update: 30 September 2014
The European Union has published, at the end of 2019, a European Green Deal, which covers policy guidance on climate and pollution. These are the essential proposals. More...
Latest update: 7 January 2020
Vaccination is one of the most cost-effective health interventions available, saving millions of people from illness, disability and death each year. There are public concerns on the safety and effectiveness of vaccination, are these concerns justified? More...
Latest update: 7 June 2018
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