Klare Zuzammenfassungen von wissenschaftlichen Berichten zum Thema

Nachhaltige Entwicklung

Das Konzept der Nachhaltigkeit bezieht sich auf eine Entwicklung die die Bedürfnisse der Gegenwart und der lokalen Bevölkerung erfüllt ohne die Möglichkeiten künftiger Generationen oder Bevölkerungen anderswo zu gefährden, ihre eigenen Bedürfnisse zu befriedigen

Wie nachhaltig sind derzeitige Praktiken?

Siehe auch: Umweltzustand


Palmöl ist eines der am meisten verwendeten Pflanzenöle, und zwar zu einem guten Teil deswegen, weil Ölpalmenkulturen kostengünstig sind.

Welche Auswirkungen haben Ölpalmenkulturen auf die Artenvielfalt und wie können sie nachhaltig gestaltet werden? Mehr...

Neuestes Update: 8 Mai 2019

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Es bestehen ernste Bedenken bezüglich der Umweltbelastungen durch die Erzeugung von flüssigen Biokraftstoffen für Transport, der Kosten ihrer Förderung und möglicher unbeabsichtigten Folgen.

Welche Rolle könnten Biokraftstoffe für die Landwirtschaft, Ernährungssicherheit und Klimaschutz spielen? Mehr...

Neuestes Update: 30 September 2009

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Genetisch Veränderte Organismen

Worin unterscheiden sich gentechnisch veränderte von herkömmlichem Nutzpflanzen?

Was wissen wir über die möglichen Risiken für die menschliche Gesundheit oder die Umwelt? Mehr...

Neuestes Update: 6 März 2018

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Mehrweg-Geschirr schneidet in allen Studien und in den meisten Umweltbelastungskategorien durchweg besser ab als Einweg-Geschirr.


Neuestes Update: 20 Mai 2021

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Menschen verbrauchen mehr Güter und Dienstleistungen als im Hinblick auf nicht erneuerbare Ressourcen nachhaltig ist. Wie kann das Konzept einer Kreislaufwirtschaft dabei helfen, dieses Problem zu entschärfen? Mehr...

Neuestes Update: 19 Juni 2017

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Die Ernährungs- und Landwirtschaftsorganisation der Vereinten Nationen (FAO) bewertet regelmässig den Status der Fischerei und Aquakultur weltweit. Die Hauptergebnisse der letzten Bewertung wurden in 2009 veröffentlicht.

Es zeigt sich, dass eine Vielzahl von Fischbeständen derzeit übermäßig genutzt werden und dass der internationale Charakter der Bestände ihre Verwaltung erschwert. Ist diese Nahrungsquelle heute gefährdet? Mehr...

Neuestes Update: 29 Mai 2009

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Das wirtschaftliche und soziale Wachstum der Menschheit hat riesige Mengen an Umweltverschmutzung mit sich gebracht.

Wie können wir sicherstellen, dass der Planet nicht weiter geschwächt wird? Mehr...

Neuestes Update: 15 März 2018

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Wie hängen Treibhausgas-Emission und Klimaauswirkungen mit Schiefergasgewinnung? Mehr...

Neuestes Update: 9 September 2015

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Risiken der Schiefergasgewinnung

Werden zunehmend neue Gasquellen eingesetzt, um die Nachfrage zu befriedigen. Eine solche wichtige Quelle ist Schiefergas, das zu seiner Förderung ein Verfahren namens hydraulischer Frakturierung.

Welches sind die möglichen Risiken des Fracking? Mehr...

Neuestes Update: 30 September 2013

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Verluste honig bienenvölkern

Sind die Ursachen der Verluste bei Honigbienenvölkern nun ausreichend ermittelt? Mehr...

Neuestes Update: 20 März 2014

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Wald & Energie

In den kommenden Jahren wird ein drastischer Anstieg des weltweiten Energieverbrauchs erwartet. Während fossile Brennstoffe auch in Zukunft eine wichtige Energiequelle bleiben, so werden erneuerbare Energien zunehmend an Bedeutung gewinnen. Könnten aus Fortwirtschaftsprodukten und -abfällen gewonnene Biokraftstoffe zur Deckung des Energiebedarfs beitragen? Mehr...

Neuestes Update: 02 Juli 2009

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Veröffentlichungen in anderen Sprachen

Agriculture is closely linked to many concerns, including biodiversity loss, global warming and water availability.

The 2008 International Assessment of Agricultural Science and Technology for Development (IAASTD) focuses on how to make better use of agricultural science, knowledge and technology to reduce hunger and poverty, improve rural livelihoods, and foster equitable and sustainable development. More...

Latest update: 15 April 2008

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr] [nl

Water Resources Assessments

Water is essential for life, but humanity faces complex challenges related to increasing demand, variability of supply, widespread pollution and water-related disasters. More...

Latest update: 31 March 2021

Summary available in [en] [fr] [nl


Biochar can be used as fuel or as a fertilizer, and is particularly relevant to developing countries. More...

Latest update: 4 March 2015

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr

Food & Agriculture

Climate change poses a threat to food security; what are the strategies and policies that could help address this problem? More...

Latest update: 28 June 2017

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr

CO2 Capture & Storage

One possible option for reducing CO2 emissions is to store it underground. This technique is called Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage (CCS).

How does it work? Could it really help addressing climate change?

The International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides answers in a special report. More...

Latest update: 15 September 2007

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Desertification, the persistent degradation of drylands, threatens many livelihoods.

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) produced in 2005 by a large international panel of scientists explored possible options to avoid or reverse desertification and its negative impacts. More...

Latest update: 15 October 2006

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr

Ecosystem Change

Humans depend heavily on ecosystem for benefits such as food, but we also have a tremendous impact on them.

The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) produced in 2005 by a large international panel of scientists explored possible options to avoid or reverse desertification and its negative impacts. More...

Latest update: 15 March 2005

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Soils degradation

Soil is a vital resource for food security, but in Europe it is being degraded by pollution, overuse, and erosion. How could soil be protected? More...

Latest update: 10 March 2017

Summary available in [en] [fr


Forests provide a wide range of benefits and are heavily exploited.

Every 5 years the UN Food & Agriculture Organization (FAO) updates its Global Forest Resources Assessment.

Its latest update published in 2006 considers what progress has been made towards sustainable forest management across the world. More...

Latest update: 15 January 2007

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Forests & agriculture land use

How can an integrated approach to land management help meeting the needs of the world’s growing population? More...

Latest update: 2 February 2018

Summary available in [en] [fr

Global Biodiversity Outlook 4

In 2002, the Convention on Biological Diversity adopted a target: reduce the loss of biodiversity by 2010.

That target was missed, and a new set of targets for 2020 were adopted. More...

Latest update: 6 November 2017

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr

Food Wastage

It is estimated by the FAO that each year, one-third of produced for all food human consumption in the world is lost or wasted. This has impacts for food security and for the environment. More...

Latest update: 20 February 2015

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr

India Millennium Development Goals

How did India fare in meeting the objectives of the Millennium Development Goals? More...

Latest update: 12 April 2016

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Biological Diversity

Key decisions adopted in 2018 by the Conference of the Parties (COP) to the Convention on Biological Diversity in preparation for a 2050 Biodiversity Vision for the Global Biodiversity Outlook 5 report published in 2020. More...

Latest update: 5 May 2021

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr] [nl

Phosphate resources

How can phosphate resources be managed to ensure food security? More...

Latest update: 16 March 2016

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State of the European Environment

A comprehensive assessment of Europe’s progress towards achieving environmental sustainability. More...

Latest update: 20 September 2015

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Vaccination saves millions of lives each year. How do they work and is there still progress to be made? More...

Latest update: 30 September 2014

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Solar Energy

Solar power has become significantly cheaper in the last few years, and installed capacity has grown substantially in the same period. What are the advances that are needed to reduce the cost further and deploy the technology on a larger scale ? More...

Latest update: 21 November 2015

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr


The biofuel policies in the EU have impacts on developing countries, how can policies take that into account? More...

Latest update: 5 December 2017

Summary available in [en] [fr

Sand Extraction

The extensive use of sand and gravel in the production of concrete is having consequences on the environment.

What exactly is happening ? More...

Latest update: 30 October 2015

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Tidal Energy

Tidal energy is a predictable renewable energy source. What is the potential or this energy source? More...

Latest update: 30 August 2015

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Many species that are essential for biodiversity and for agricultural production, such as bees, are currently threatened. Since biodiversity underlies the food system, it is a critical issue for food security and for sustainable development. More...

Latest update: 25 April 2019

Summary available in [en] [fr

Sustainable oceans

How can we ensure that the sustainable use of the services and resouces that the oceans offer ? More...

Latest update: 29 March 2016

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Indonesian forests

More forest is cut down each year in Indonesia than in any other country.

What can be done to preserve Indonesia’s forests ? More...

Latest update: 25 October 2015

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Wastewater management

How can we better manage our wastewater in order to relieve some of the pressure on water resources? More...

Latest update: 18 March 2016

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Water Resources

Water is essential for human survival and well-being and important to many sectors of the economy. Yet, resources are unevenly distributed and they are under pressure due to human activity. How can water resources be managed sustainably while meeting an ever increasing demand? More...

Latest update: 15 January 2008

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Water resources

Demand for water in the world is steadily increasing at the same time as the water supply is facing challenges from pollution, climate change, desertification, agriculture. Can these challenges be met with solutions inspired by natural processes? More...

Latest update: 18 July 2018

Summary available in [en] [fr

Health Environment Management

Worldwide, the fraction of the global burden for both death and disease associated to environmental risks is 22%.

To what extent can environmental management better protect people’s health? More...

Latest update: 5 November 2016

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr

Geothermal Energy

Geothermal energy comes from the natural heat of the earth. It is used in some areas for electricity production and heating. What is the place of geothermal energy in the energy mix? More...

Latest update: 8 April 2015

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr

Wind Resources

Wind blows everywhere on the planet, and can be converted to electricity by wind turbines.

How much wind power capacity is there in the world? More...

Latest update: 20 November 2015

Summary available in [en] [es] [fr

Veröffentlichungen A-Z

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